Propaganda – Malaysian Style

The maxim that ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it’ appears to be the driving principle behind the public relations effort by our Malaysian…

PKR Youth to hold Malay congress

“The Malay votes have decreased a bit so we must have specific programmes to ensure that the Malay voters understand the struggle of PKR. So of course we need to use channels such as the congress…

Vote BN for bankruptcy, warns Pakatan

Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders used dire forecasts of a gloomy future if there are no subsidy cuts to warn that voting for Barisan Nasional (BN) in the next general election would lead the country to…

Vell Paari says sorry

(Free Malaysia Today) - MIC central working committee (CWC) member S Vell Paari has apologised for linking Umno to the Gerakan Anti-Samy Vellu (GAS) campaign. “Given the recent developments, it…

Real reforms are worth the gamble

By Gobind Rudra (FMT)COMMENT So now a football-crazy nation is about to be presented with the "gift" of legalised betting. A gift to whom? To crony capitalism, it seems, back with a…

Cutting subsidy- 1

The decision to cut subsidies may have already been made. The lab/Open Day on subsidy held at KLCC is just a public relations exercise to make us the public feel 'included' in the new inclusiveness.…

Too Much in the Hands of Too Few

I thought, like many others, that we have a democratic government which is elected by the people. Now, it looks like power is in the hands not of BN as a whole including all its component parties but…

Economic tsunami heading our way

From paying more to buy a house to higher prices for public and private transportation, food items, restaurant bills, health care, utilities, Malaysian consumers can expect a steady escalation in…