Proton, VW deal in the works again

National car maker Proton will announce a possible deal with German auto giant Volkswagon AG in the next two weeks, in another twist to on-off collaborations between the two companies.By Lee Wei…

Get cracking, Pakatan Rakyat!

Last night, I attended the Forum Perdana Kemenangan Sibu that was organized by Pakatan Rakyat. It was held at the Penang Chinese Town Hall and about 80% full. I was quite surprised to see that it…

To the critics of Hindraf and Uthayakumar

Although Hindraf and its political arm HRP might be unpalatable to you, nonetheless the issues they raise are entirely valid. Once you grasp the gravity of the message, you could perhaps get some…

An inspirational story

By Justin Hong I was 18 in 1997, I came home half completed my high school in England because my father was bankrupted. He was a contractor bankrupted because the licensee, Taib’s uncle defaulted on…

Police can kill in defence

Police officers are entitled to kill or injure innocent persons as long as they genuinely believe lives are in danger, said the Home Ministry.By Ding Jo-Ann, The Nut Graph

Rural Malays the battleground for next GE

The informal coalition’s de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the battleground between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat now was “more with the Malays” than other races, since Umno had…

Watching our elections

“Can you recall a by-election where there wasn't a complaint about the electoral roll or postal votes? More recently, there are complaints about voters being moved out of the constituency, or…

Malaysiakini screws up

Malaysiakini screwed up with this report below when actually Bala's lawyers want MACC instead to pay for their air fare (Bala and his three lawyers) plus hotel rooms and other costs: MACC gets…

Democracy is not easy

A video calling the world to not let democracy be abused by making sure we actively participate in all aspects of the democratic process. It also shows what can happen to the value of democracy if we…

Patrick Wong robbery-murder solved

(The Malay Mail) - Police have arrested a suspect believed to be involved in the robbery-murder of 57-year-old property businessman Datuk Patrick Wong who died after succumbing to injuries sustained…