Hint of trouble in Kedah PKR

Despite obtaining full attendance from all 20 state assemblymen at a rally to prove its solidarity last night, all may not be well for the Kedah Pakatan Rakyat government yet.Written by Clara Chooi,…

ISA only used as scare tactic, claims RPK

“In the past, the ISA stopped you from shooting and bombing. Today, it stops you from having thoughts. So you have a nation of robots,” he added.Written by Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider

RPK dares Malaysia to fight him in UK

Fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin has thrown down the gauntlet to Malaysian authorities, challenging them to bring standing charges against him to the courts in the United Kingdom.Written by…

Selangor to table FOI Act in August

By Ken Vin Lek, Free Malaysia Today SUBANG JAYA - Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim today expressed his intention to table a Freedom of Information Act at the next state assembly sitting in…

Foochows snub Najib

The voters of Sibu knew Najib’s weaknesses more than he was prepared to concede, and while they were happy enough with the goodies he threw at them, they were suspicious of the proverbial “Greek…

Close to the Bone

Very real threats were made to Singapore. When will it be Malaysia's turn? Financing came from Malaysia (among other places). Who will bear the brunt of this? By John Doe

Professionally Killed

What kind of a government sends in highly trained and armed Special Forces against the people whom they promised to protect? By Hakim Joe

Understand cops, IGP tells public

“The people must understand that when facing the police, they must adhere to police instructions and directives,” said Musa. Mr Tan Sri IGP Sir, from my experience, adhering to police instructions…

Voters Registration Exercise

This is to inform the public about a  New Voters Registeration exercise campaign that will be carried out jointly by the Staff of the Election Commission, Voter Registration Agents and volunteers from…

You pledge, I run, for the children in need

I would like to give the run some fun and meaning by turning it into a charity run, and I am looking for your support. You can make your pledge by mileage, upon completion of the whole 84km course, or…

The Rise and Rise of Pakatan?

by Dr. Dzulkefly AhmadI have just completed reading Kishore Mahbubani’s ‘The New Asian Hemisphere’. I had difficulty finishing it as it disappeared and reappeared from my radar often. Strange, but it…

Two-party system no longer a dream

Perhaps Pakatan should work out a campaign strategy that concentrates on major issues and ignores all side issues.  What would be the impact if Malaysians choose to vote only on those issues closest…

Religion & Politics Revisited

My Dearest Cousin Peter, Your great article the other day about whether Religion and Politics should be allowed to mix together (Can religion and politics mix-and-match?) opened with the