Nazri escapes contempt motion

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian InsiderThe coroner’s court today rejected a motion to cite Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz for contempt, for allegedly calling an expert witness in the Teoh Beng Hock…

Barry Wain on the “Maverick”

(The Edge) Barry Wain, author of the best-selling "Malaysian Maverick" book about Dr M talks about why he wrote the book, how he went about doing it and discusses some of the key topics he raises in…

Govt to offer amnesty for illegals

By Dharmender Singh, The StarThe Government will soon offer amnesty again to hundreds of thousands of illegal foreign workers, with the chance to return home without facing action.

Anwar dismisses defection threat

Written by Adib Zalkapli, The Malaysian Insider Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has dismissed the idea that his PKR has been weakened by a spate of defections, saying the malcontents left because they…

Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #15

For Malaysia to advance, we must pay attention to our most valuable resource:  our people.  Society progresses best when it allows full expression and freedom for its individual members.  And for…

The extra “X” in Chromosomes…

So, all this has been indeed confusing, because the same people who clapped and cheered, are now accusing Saiful of consensual AND unconsensual sex with Anuar. Just like Saiful's Uncle/ Auntie (I'm…

RPK comes out for ISA talk in London

“We can keep a draconian law like the ISA to serve a higher purpose, which is national security. But if we open the floodgates of ‘the ends justify the means’ then how far can we allow this to go?…

Scotland Yard to help nab RPK

(The Malay Mail) - The Malaysian police has been in talks with UK's Scotland Yard for assistance in their bid to nab controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) during his trip to London…

Who’s To Blame?

In Malaysia, there is a marked difference between BN and the opposition. The former has all the advantages and its members are less quarrelsome. While DAP and PAS are more discreet, PKR is full of…

Dun Kedah tidak dibubarkan 22 Mei

(Harakahdaily) - Pegawai Khas Menteri Besar Kedah, Hasan Abdul Razak menafikan perkhabaran kononnya Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak akan membubarkan Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) pada 22…


The Einvironmntal Impact Assessment (EIA) will be coming out this 29th MAY, during the Harvest Festival ... and it has many, many flaws. By fast-tracking the process and keeping everybody in the dark…

20% Democracy versus 100% Democracy

When people in a country like Malaysia are not united, do not love each other and cannot appreciate each other’s strengths and contributions, but instead discriminate or look down upon each other,…

Targeting the Intended Targets

Pete came up with a very interesting topic about how Malaysians are voting now. Some vote where the cash is while others vote where their conscience are. Some vote for a reason while others vote…

Understand cops, IGP tells public

The people must understand the role, duties and responsibilities of the police to avoid misconception between the authorities and individual said Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan.…

Robbers dressed up as men of God

By UK standards and according to UK laws, the Malaysian elections would have been declared null and void and the government declared illegitimate. In other words, Barisan Nasional would

SUPP fears further losses after Sibu

“We don’t want this trend to come to Sarawak. And I advise those peninsular parties not to play up religion because in Sarawak we believe that Chinese, Ibans, Malays and Melanaus can eat and sit…