Dear Pakatan, are you ill?

By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider There are times when silence is golden, and there are times when it’s just yellow and points to disease.

Caught in political sex trap

"The Australians said that Singapore's intelligence services and Lee Kuan Yew have told ONA in their exchanges that opposition leader Anwar 'did indeed commit the acts for which he is currently…

DAP in a generation transition stage

The arrogant and aloft behaviour of certain aides to the newly elected representatives, especially those appointed local councillors and given a little authority, is something the top party leaders…


More corruption today… We speak to author Dr. Kua Kia Soong, about his new book entitled ‘Questioning Arms Spending in Malaysia’. We also hear from a leading figure in PKR, Nicholas Bawin and Dayak…

Tertangkapnya Saekor Toyo

Hari lelaki Jawa ini ditangkap memang dipilih dan dirancang. Sebelum lelaki Jawa ini ditangkap harga minyak dan gula telah dinaikkan. Pengumuman dilakukan pada malam Jumaat. Hari Jumaat, Sabtu dan…

RPK joins Radio Free Sarawak

By The Malaysian Insider Blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin has agreed to contribute to Radio Free Sarawak (RFS), the London-based radio service that began in November that promised alternative news from…

Wither is the Pakatan Rakyat bound?

The recent defeat of the alternative coalition at the Batu Sapi parliamentary by-election in Sarawak and the Galas state by-election in Kelantan, both on 4 November 2010, was also a writing on the…