So Here’s The Plan!

So much has been happening lately that our minds find it almost impossible to comprehend. It seems like this EPIC campaign called VOICE YOUR CHOICE is quickly becoming EPIC. I mean, we thought it was…

Gabungan Pemimpin Tak Bermoral

Datuk Zaid IbrahimPerdana Menteri kita ini macam cowboy di zaman Wild Wild West. Siri TV tahun 1960-an ini selalunya menunjukkan watak orang yang tak pedulikan undang-undang. Hukum yang dipakainya…

Sibu: Is EC really neutral?

The SIBU by election and any other by election that will take place between now and the next General Election will show the same pattern of financial abuse by the ruling government. They will…

Sarawak wakes up to a new dawn

A new dawn has descended on Sarawak with DAP's triumph in yesterday's Sibu parliamentary by-election. Now, the voice of the Chinese electorate is heard loud and clear. Written by Zainal Epi, Free…

Ketuanan Malacca Part ll

I STRONGLY DISAGREE with UMNO's lies on Malacca, and it's Kegemilangan. UMNO definitely needs a severe jolt in the head to understand what History actually is, before making race-based writings.By…

Buckle up or face defeat soon

First and foremost I would like to congratulate DAP and Wong Ho Leng for winning the Sibu by-election. This indeed is an indication that Sibu wanted change. For even with postal votes, BN was not able…

Mee Kampua Sedap la

Sure, it wasn’t the most convincing and emphatic win for the DAP in Sibu. But unlike the Hulu Selangor by-election where Pakatan actually came out not looking as badly bruised as most people initially…

We don’t take such money

Regardless of the results of the Sibu parliamentary by-elections, the reported “special grants” of RM1.75 million to four Methodist churches on the eve of polling day is very troubling to me as a…

UMNO’s Vision for Malaysia

As usual in any commentary, one has to deal with what is public and official and what are darker, more uncomfortable visions. It would seem that UMNO’s public vision for Malaysia has been a string…

The BN Mentality

The Tourism Ministry today says that it will work closely with local and foreign tour agencies to lure tourists from Thailand across the border into Malaysia. What about the people who were wounded?…