DAP wins Sibu by 398 votes

By Pushparani Thilaganathan and B Nantha Kumar, Free Malaysia Today UPDATED 11PM DAP's Wong Ho Leng today wrestled the Sibu parliamentary seat from Barisan Nasional with a majority of 398 votes,…

Unofficial: DAP wins Sibu

By Pushparani Thilaganathan and B Nantha Kumar, Free Malaysia Today UNOFFICIAL DAP's Wong Ho Leng today wrestled the Sibu parliamentary seat from Barisan Nasional with a majority of a few hundred,…

Who do we want to go to war with?

Operating expenditure for defence in 2009 was RM10.65 billion and the development expenditure was RM2.35 billion, said Defence Minister Datuk Ahmad Zahidi, as reported by Bernama on 25

Whither the Malaysian Press?

But the biggest problem facing the newspapers all over the world today is the internet. It has democratized news. News is no longer the monopoly of the news organizations. Newspapers in many…

It’s Not a Criminal Trial

Indeed, I believe the strategy by the defence team to expose the contradictions sooner rather than later actually supports my view that Anwar’s legal team also realises - and wants the whole country…

Will Malaysia follow suit?

The bloodbath is just about to start. Bangkok is now paralyzed with tension and fear that the violence of April 10th and yesterday are but just a prelude to an all out fight between the Red Shirts…

10,000 crowd DAP’s final Sibu rally

DAP pulled in more than 10,000 people at its biggest public rally here last night when ending the campaign for the Sibu by-election, promising a close fight for the parliamentary seat.Written by …

Technicalities are everything

However, from where I am sitting, the judge has already made up his mind to send Anwar to jail. So the evidence and Saiful’s testimony are not going to be the deciding factor. It is merely to

Sarawak : Poverty Midst of Plenty

If some of them have become cunning, manipulative supplicants and sacrificed their values for a fistful of ringgit, remember it is we who have corrupted them.By Tunku Abdul Aziz

Poor and Stupid

All 3rd World Governments want their Citizens to be Poor and Stupid. That way, it is easy to control them. Throw in the concept of God, and the mix becomes even more powerful. In the world of the…

I’m disappointed, so I’m leaving

We have thus far lost quite a number of MPs since the first defection. And each time someone leaves, surely there are lots of revelations about “secrets” and “weaknesses” within the coalition. Sure…

For Bangsa, Agama dan Negara

Every time a politician jumps ship, the immediate reason given is “Demi Bangsa, Agama dan Negara”. I believe all of us have heard enough of this and I don’t think this statement will ever end. Umno…

TDM Again

I have always admired TDM as a master politician without equal. His most serious fault, I think, is his bulldog-like tenacity to get what he wants regardless of what he has to do to get it. But…

Malaysian Swan Song in Sarawak By-Election

The people of Sibu must have wondered if Christmas and Gawai, the harvest festival, had come early. The campaign circus has breathed a short-lived booming economy into the town, nestled on the…