Rosmah ad placed on govt’s behalf

A recent two-page spread in the New York Times, costing thousands of US dollars and featuring the prime minister's wife, was placed on behalf of the Malaysian government.Written by Koh Lay Chin,…

Homeless Minister of Malaysia

We UMNO are blameless. We are Gods!! You shall pay UMNO taxes, so that everything can be YOUR fault. Look at my RM250,000 Philippe Patek Watch. This is Taxpayers' money. You must be grateful. You are…

BN Yang Tamak (Video in BM & Mandarin)

Pada mulanya kita tinggal disebuah Negara yang kaya dan aman..Akan tetapi…Segelintir orang telah menyalahgunakan sumber alam tanah air ini dan merampas tanah kita..Sumber asli telah dirampas oleh…

Wrong Comparison

Yesterday, our Tourism Minister Dr. Ng Yen Yen mentioned turning KLCC into a lucrative market and cash generating destination. She quoted this after visiting Burj Khalifa in Dubai where people were…

JAIS siasat kenyataan Zaid

(Sinar Harian) - Kenyataan Ketua Biro Politik Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Zaid Ibrahim yang didakwa menghina titah Sultan Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, melalui laman blog baru-baru…

A Tale of Two Shootings

Admitting mistakes is often seen as a weakness. But I believe that until our leaders have the strength to do so, genuine reform will never occur, and we will see tragic cases such as this recur…

Shooting Children

Ironically, Beer-Man declared that the police had performed a perfect-10 in areas that “you will never see, you will never hear, you will never know” such as counter-terrorism. Sure. I am positive…