Has GST been implemented?

I am just curious to know if the Government Service Tax (GST) has already been approved and implemented ... why? Because it apprears to be already implemented and I am already paying for it. Here is…

The arrogance of police power

(FMT) What is really under scrutiny, what really needs to be questioned, is the basis of how the whole police force is managed, how it operates, how it is led, what it regards as its priorities, and…

We Are Dead!

Did you know that the Chernobyl disaster released 400 times more radioactive material than the Hiroshima atomic bombing? Did you know that the contamination of the Chernobyl accident was felt up to…

One Malaysia?

Until today, Malaysians still had a very scant idea of what One Malaysia is all about?By Choo Sing Chye

The Royal Malaysian Disgrace

By Pak Bui One evening in September 1999, a young doctor, Tai Eng Teck, was shot dead by the police in Melaka. He was “dating” with a nurse in a car. The nurse later testified that they were…

When cornered, plead ignorance

When lawyers become liars, they have a way of coining new terms that will remain catchwords for a long time to come. If VK Linggam became infamous for his ‘Correct, Correct, Correct’,

Yang Berhormat Senator Ezam

Ezam Mohd Nor was appointed the Senator; Zahrain Mohamed Hashim and Zulkifli Noordin given a free vacation in the States; Hee Yit Foong getting her datukship; and the two former PKR assemblymen in…

Beza arahan dan pandangan peribadi

Datuk Zaid IbrahimSultan Selangor telah bertitah bahawa masjid tidak boleh digunakan untuk tujuan politik. Titah itu luas sekali skopnya. Saya yakin baginda berniat ikhlas dan jujur tetapi tafsiran…

PM Najib and his cabinet-1

PM Najib needs to have a new team. He is now the undisputed number one. It is not just about kicking out or bringing in new faces. It's also placing the right people at the right places.

Melayu, UMNO and Perkasa

I have written several essays about Perkasa. I wish to assure my blog readers, those essays were not about Ibrahim Ali. I don't know him personally, know of him and seen him from afar. That's…

Come again! First Lady?

The advert below, inserted in The New York Times, costs about RM10 million, artwork and all, and was paid for by the Chief Minister of Sarawak’s business outfit.

Joseph Brehem, what are you made of?

It was in May 2001 when a man from Switzerland, who behave and speak like one of the Malaysian local, disappear mysteriously from face of the earth. No news from him ever heard again. His name was…

Hindraf: Arrogance from Delusions

By Kenny Gan Hindraf’s National Adviser, N. Ganesan’s claim that Zaid Ibrahim lost the Hulu Selangor by-election because Hindraf/HRP did not campaign for him is both arrogant and delusory.

Blowing your own horn

If all Malaysia has is its silly "Ketuanan", then perhaps it is in more serious trouble than we all imagined!!By John Doe

Politics – The game of prosperity

The game of prosperity is a game not anyone can join or afford to play. Okay I rephrase, everyone and anyone can join the game but whether or not you go far in the game is another matter all…

News n Views

SUHAKAM has not brought justice to the Indians, whom the police treat like animals. Perhaps the Indians will get better help from the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)?By Pakac…

Patronage, Civilisation and Democracy

Patronage within society is itself transformed within economic, political and social circles into monopolies. Triads conveniently and easily make use of patronage. Criminals take advantage of…