Samy-Palanivel war imminent

Several sources said Samy Vellu had laid the groundwork for killing off Palanivel's political career and had directed several party leaders to gather evidence of his alleged wrongdoings during the…

Death of Malaysian mainstream media?

All government newspapers are used to skillfully silence and kill opposing viewpoints, albeit couched in some proclamation of free speech. It has been used to engineer risings, uprisings and…

Chinese Electorate and Khir Toyo

By kinetiques I refer to a report here in which former Menteri Besar of Selangor, Khir Toyo, said that the Chinese voters are not receptive to the 1Malaysia concept and the NEM. He shallowly, as…

The Greeks’ debts a lesson on corruption

But in Greece, even the man in the street who has never studied economics knows the root cause of the debt crisis, which is roiling their country, is corruption plus cronyism.By Kathy Fong, The Edge 

Coming Back Swinging!

Zaid is determined to “out” these hypocrites among our leaders, as well he should.  I would go further and assert that Zaid owes the public a duty to do this.  As one who aspires to the leadership of…

Sea King Replacements

(Strategy Page) - Malaysia is buying a dozen Cougar EC725 transport helicopters. This is an 11 ton, European made, aircraft with a useful load of 5.5 tons, a top speed of 324 kilometers an hour,…

Can they see the writing on the wall?

I did not bat an eyelid when I read this report HERE headlined Najib says Umno must be leader of the pack . Instead, I wondered how the other leaders of the BN component parties must have felt when…

Masa Depan UMNO

Bila UMNO di tubuhkan pada tahun 1946, ia tidak membayar apa apa untuk mendapatkan sokongan orang Melayu. UMNO hanya menawarkan darah, keringat dan air mata sahaja. Yakni perjuangan, kerja keras…

Youth register to ‘rock the vote’

By Boo Su-Lyn, The Malaysian Insider PETALING JAYA, May 2 – The Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM) group spent Labour Day yesterday registering the young to “rock the vote” ahead of the country’s next…

All because of you, Najib

The failed candidacy of Zaid Ibrahim is a case in point. He is an outsider,  a cosmopolitan candidate unsuitable for a rural constituency and as a Muslim who admitted to career-killing moral…

No reason to tick off voters

A political party is just like any company – it has to convince its customers that it is better than its rivals, instead of telling them to be grateful or to repent.By WONG CHUN WAI, The Star

What the Chinese want

Let’s be clear about this important distinction. In America, the people sometimes vote for the Democrats and sometimes for the Republicans. Voting against the one that is in government at the time…

Perkasa not racist, says Umno leader

(Free Malaysia Today) - Umno Supreme Council member and deputy minister Mohd Puad Zarkashi has come to the defence of Ibrahim Ali's movement Perkasa by stating that it was only defending what was…