Tamrin Sifatkan Rais Sebagai Hipokrit

(Suara Keadilan) - Anak mantan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tamrin Ghafar menyifatkan Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Umno, Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim sebagai hipokrit apabila mempertikai kehadiran beliau pada dua…

Democratic values under threat

The government has admitted to spending millions on a makeover of its image overseas, but it is money down the drain if it persists in behaviour which is patently at odds with international best…

MACC probes claims by Kickdefella

By Dharmender Singh, The StarThe Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has started investigating allegations by blogger Kickdefella that he was paid RM4mil by the Opposition to create negative…

Mahfuz: Najib ‘passed by cheating’

By Rahmah Ghazali, FMTPAS vice-president Mahfuz Omar has likened Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's win in the recent Hulu Selangor contest to a “school kid passing his exam by cheating”.

Les Lois Silencieux

As with many things involving democracy and the democratic process, we like to make reference to the froggies and roll our tongue over it. Sounds more refined and sophisticated anyway.By Hakim Joe

Pak Lah gets flak over RM320b oil giveaway

By Leslie Lau, Executive Editor (TMI) KUALA LUMPUR, April 30 — Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is alleged to have allowed Malaysia to sign away up to RM320 billion in potential oil earnings, in return for…

Rock The Vote!

Rock The Vote! Malaysia 2010, will soon be "rocking" its way to four major states in Malaysia this May 2010.

Long road still ahead for Umno

“Umno is still playing racial lines. This is too obvious. If it’s Chinese, it’s MCA; Indians, then MIC. We are still too communal in our thinking, while PR covers all, beyond racial lines,” Umno…

€114 million

Joseph Breham, a member of the legal team from France stated that the French judicial system has clearly established that there is sufficient evidence of suspected corruption in the Scorpene submarine…

Follow-up on “Losing territory?”

Since I wrote the post - Losing territory? yesterday morning, Dr Mahathir has also asked about this loss of territory and oil reserves in his blog - Malaysia's Generosity.By romerz

Info Ministry or Umno Ministry?

(CPI) Yesterday, TV2 producer Chou Z Lam issued a statement that the third part of his Mandarin documentary on the Bakun Dam was forced off the air under the direct instruction of RTM director-general…

UMNO is a Cruel GOD

By John Doe“Vote for UMNO, and we'll give you money”. This slogan was louder than 1Malaysia. This slogan worked better than 1Malaysia. In fact, it was more like “Vote for UMNO, and we'll give you…

Lessons learnt well, both for BN and PR

The immediate conclusion from the the recent by election in Hulu Selangor is that BN seems to have an edge over PR in all 'ulu' places. At least 5 strategies can be implemented by both sides to…

An Ethical and Monetary Limitation

After PR's loss in the Hulu Selangor by-election, everyone becomes a critic. Some of the analysis points to a lack of coordination and teamwork at the grassroot level, losing massive ground to the…