Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #12

It is equally futile for Malaysian leaders to discourage the young not to spend their time on the Internet, Twitter and Facebook because those were “western” inventions, as Minister of Information…

Politics and the death of a schoolboy

By John Lee, The Malaysian InsiderAminulrasyid  Amzah is barely buried, and already the political knives are out, with both Umno and Pakatan Rakyat clamouring for the right to champion justice for…

Malaysia’s generosity

Dr Mahathir Mohamad 1. The Edge Financial Daily, an article by Joseph Chin (The Edge, April 22nd) as well as Brunei Times reported a substantial oil producing offshore area in the…

A murder by the police?

Art HarunI would have written about this earlier had I not been away.I read with total disbelief about the totally unprovoked, unnecessary and unprofessional killing of a 14 year old boy by the…

‘Perhaps it was sabotage’

"I am not interested in blaming anyone but I felt that there were some elements in the machinery that obviously was not keen on me winning. I could tell by their conduct, and by the things they did,…

Then and now: the Ezam story

Ezam said they went to great lengths to persuade him to change sides. When they failed, they compromised by agreeing that he remains in the opposition as long as he agreed to abandon

The BN’s culture of “balas budi”

CHINESE Malaysian community leaders and MCA politicians are reacting strongly to Perkasa's calls for the government to "punish" Hulu Selangor voters who didn't vote for the Barisan Nasional (BN). I…

What are you fighting for?

While the cause of PR may be noble, a prolonged fight will make it lose it's momentum. Because the “warriors” kept fighting, but have run low on the fuel to continue fighting, not many will be able…

Losing territory?

How did something which once belonged to Sabah and thus Malaysia is now "no longer part of Malaysia"? I know we did lose Pulau Batu Puteh to Singapore in a territorial dispute but I was not aware of…

Malaysian Malaysia: 2Malaysia

I still remember last time when West Malaysian my friend asked me, "Is it true if a West Malaysian go and work or do business in East Malaysia, the East Malaysian will dislike or to certain extent…

Philosophy, Voters and the MT Reader

That we consider and empathise with the struggle of those voters who have difficulty putting food on the table for their families is a good thing. However to accept that there is nothing above and…

Joshua Wong, Malaysian Democracy and Bigots

Joshua Wong’s recent resignation as ntv7’s producer of Editor’s Time is another vivid reminder of how the bizarre and twisted logic of bigots – particularly those condoned by UMNO - in this country…

Who will police our policemen?

(FMT) Public outrage is rightfully getting louder and more visible after the 2am death in a police shooting this week of 15-year-old schoolboy Aminulrasyid Azman.