Dear Najib Tun Razak

Today, I am not going to write an article. Dah letih menulis mah! Today, I am just going to publish the letter that Human Rights Watch wrote to Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

Hulu Selangor: Kalahkah PR?

Namun apakan daya SPR hanya ‘boneka’ kepada BN dan haknya terbatas kepada kehendak BN yang jika benar-benar SPR bebas dan berkecuali dalam segenap segi pasti keadaan ini akan merugikan BN.Mujahid…

By-elections as an emerging industry

BN obviously wanted to make everyone happy by dishing out money, even to those who apparently did not need it. A school in Lompang — one of the best looking and best equipped in the area —received…

Ex-PKR sec-gen says worse yet to come

By Neville Spykerman, The Malaysian Insider SHAH ALAM, April 28 — PKR could lose up to five more lawmakers who are disgruntled with the party and are waiting for the right moment to announce their…

Press Statement of Datuk Zaid Ibrahim

1. Every citizen has a fundamental right to vote. But this right is meaningless if he is not able to exercise it because his name is removed from the electoral roll without his knowledge; or if he is…

Lau confirmed as BN man

(The Star) KUCHING: Confirming an open secret, Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud has announced Robert Lau Hui Yew as the Barisan Nasional candidate for the Sibu by-election. Taib said the…

Chinese Electorate and Khir Toyo

I refer to a report here in which former Menteri Besar of Selangor, Khir Toyo, said that the Chinese voters are not receptive to the 1Malaysia concept and the NEM. He shallowly, as reported, goes on…

Just for the Record, RPK…

Hindraf had the potential to make a difference and to continue to be a force for undermining the dominance of the racist UMNO.By G. Krishnan

Tembak Juvana : Satu Berita Tiga Cerita

Malam tadi, saya mengikuti berita di televisyen tentang arwah adik Aminulrasyid (15 tahun) yang ditembak mati oleh pasukan polis. Ketika ditemu ramah, pegawai polis ada menyatakan bahawa arwah disyaki…

Was Zaid sabotaged?

According to them, posters and banners delivered before nomination day (April 17) were not put up because the “other teams” refused to budge until they received the financial allocation promised to…