Hulu Selangor

The Malay nationalist rhetoric also undermines the PM's much promoted 1Malaysia slogan. As such, Najib's own reform agenda may well be doomed. We could be presented with a situation in which Najib…

After the by-election

It was because of the return of Indian and Malay votes, as well as another factor that should not be ignored, namely the success of BN to reduce abstention votes from 1466 to 731, with the…

Message from the by-election

Compared to Najib, Anwar has done too little. The Selangor state government's performance is not satisfactory and local government services are having a great room for improvement. Perhaps, the poor…

Educational absurdity in Hulu Selangor

Have we no shame when we say that only if the people vote for this or that party, money will flow to the children of that community? Have we no sense of understanding of human rights and dignity when…

UK elections vs Malaysia elections

Can you imagine this happening in Malaysia? Imagine seeing the likes of Tok Guru Nik Aziz on RTM, telling us why we should vote PAS in an election. Or Karpal Singh extolling the virtues of DAP.By…

Malaysia’s Sex Slaves

By John Doe The following Video was not screened in Malaysia. However, it was screened all over the world. And besides the Altantuya issue, it is now widely known that Malaysia has no enforceable…

A Simpleton in Politics

By G. Krishnan  Not surprisingly my last column chastising Hindraf had ruffled some feathers among its insiders. My criticism of Hindraf as being ‘morally bankrupt’ prompted the accusation that I’m a…

They don’t want change, do they?

Those who voted for the party, by endorsing a lack of dignity, collaborated in diminishing the value of dignity. Unless and until the Malaysian electorate can uphold dignity, we will continue to be…

Teoh Beng Hock; Who?

I am not sure how many articles I wrote about TBH from the moment he ejected or was ejected through the window of the Shah Alam office window. I have loss count. One reader suggests that I wrote a…

From Saving Malaysia to Saving Zaid

P Kamalanathan secured about 25,000 votes. If the high estimate of election money promised for Hulu Selangor proves to be correct, it means that BN has spent close to RM60,000 for every winning…

Hindraf: Morally Bankrupt

Hindraf would rather have UMNO, and all the baggage of corruption, abuse, restrictions on democratic freedoms and such, gain political mileage just so it can spite PR.By G. Krishnan

Pakatan is on Track to Putrajaya

The mixed nature of this constituency is a good test of PR versus BN’s strength in mixed seats which will be the main battleground in the next general election. It is a test of whether Najib’s…