Ibrahim Ali: Why I like Kamalanathan

(Malaysian Mirror) KUALA KUBU BARU – If politics indeed makes strange bed fellows, Perkasa's Ibrahim Ali has now given his reasons for supporting Barisan Nasional's P Kamalanathan...their mutual love…

ATM Machines in Hulu Selangor

When you have a really big challenge – and a big name like Zaid Ibrahim to overcome, I suppose you also are forced to expend more of your resources to defeat him than might be otherwise necessary. The…

Letter to Indian voters in Hulu Selangor

The talk in the coffeshops these days is: Indian votes are cheap and easy. Just throw them some crumbs and no matter how you treat them, they will keep quiet. The actions by some within UMNO…

Rasuah 2 katak Perak revisited

Look at Zul's confession in bold below:‘‘Kita tak minta, tak cari, Mohamad Imran yang hantar. Serupa juga kalau orang bagi sedekah, awak tak terima ke sedekah itu?’’ ujar Zul.By Penarik Beca

It STILL doesn’t add up

Referring to the bachelor degree numbered 2004100372, my attention turned to the graduation seal of the said certificate.By A Malaysian

Nik Aziz rides to the rescue

A Pakatan Rakyat source told theSun that Nik Aziz's appearance will definitely help Zaid who is bogged down with allegations about drinking and gambling, which does not go down well in the…

Mesej kepada pengundi Hulu Selangor

Nik Aziz: Undilah calon PR Zaid Ibrahim (Free Malaysia Today) - Perjuangan Umno yang menjadi parti teras Barisan Nasional adalah salah kerana mereka sentiasa mengasing-asingkan rakyat dengan…