Anwar, Nizar sway Kalumpang Chinese

By: Stephanie Sta Maria, Free Malaysia Today HULU SELANGOR: Kampung Baru Sejantong in Kalumpang came alive last night as residents relished the privilege of being Pakatan Rakyat's first dinner…

BN’s Sandiwara in Hulu Selangor

The local media, the biased ones, the ones controlled by BN, claims that the selection of Kamalanathan, was merely a so-called compromise. The DPM admitted in his speech that the people of Hulu…

Hijacking the Social Contract

Does anyone seriously think that the Malay leaders would reduce their majority from 80% in the 1955 elections to less than 60% after the gift of citizenship to unqualified citizens? Only the weak…

Explosive Submarine Scandal Erupts!

A submarine does not and cannot deter an opponent and may not safeguard Malaysian sovereignty as it could be seen as a move to put pressure towards an arms race. If that is the case, could the…

Najib Greases His Way To Washington D.C

By Tunku Abdul Aziz And so it has finally happened. What a great honour for Malaysia. Najib, the Prime Minister of 1Malaysia fame was thrown a few crumbs, a few brief moment to savour, exchanging…

Siapa Penjilat Yahudi?

Dahulu Anwar dituduh tali barut Yahudi. Alat kepada Yahudi. Akan menjual negara ini kepada Yahudi. Tapi adakah Anwar sanggup membayar RM 78 Juta kepada sebuah syarikat dimana kesemua lembaga…

Hindraf & the Rest

Races? That’s what makes us interesting, isn’t it. Culture, religion and all that! With these come quirks and no race is an exception. For the offspring of mixed-races who are not particularly…

Pariahs – born or made?

85% of the million taxpayers are non-bumiputras BUT LOYAL MALAYSIANS and they are leaving the country (with heavy hearts) in larger numbers by the day!By romerz