Let’s consider this, YB. LKS

Merely requesting that an RTI be set up to probe the case would very likely not be successful. Three years down the road, all traces of evidence would already have faded. While I agree that there must…

What defines race?

In this era of globalisation, that’s not an easy question to answer – nor is it a question easily ignored, of late.CONTRADICTHEORY By DZOF AZMI, The Star

Why harp on a non-issue?

If there is one thing we have in common, it is our nationality. No one can take that away because this is our country of birth.On The Beat by WONG CHUN WAI, The Star

Why is Zulkifli Off the Hook?

It is bewildering that Zulkifli Noordin, the MP for Kulim Bandar Baru, who made stunning allegations and serious accusations in Parliament on 24 March 2010 has not been hauled up to give police…

After APCO, what else?

Now, while APCO may not be in the picture anymore. Who can ensure that their “subsidiaries” or related companies and “spies” will not be? They can simply start another RM2 company (well, they can make…

There’s Jews in Malaysia?

How much information has been leaked/sold/stolen from Bukit Aman, tucked safely in the Hands of Zionists already? Should Malaysia be renamed Zionaysia? By John Doe

Media komponen Pakatan perlu kerjasama

Untuk setiap berita mahupun laporan buruk mengenai Pakatan Rakyat di media arus perdana (MAP) yang dibaca, berapa berita yang dijawab di media organ parti PAS, DAP dan PKR dengan cepat? Sekiranya…

Simply And Basically Malaysian – S A B M

I'd been challenged to define what this means to me. Although I made efforts to push it to the bottom of my "to do" list, some events kept bringing it to the top, again and again. Finally, I gave up…