Parliament in Disarray

Today if you like to remain in the helm you would have to play politics and do as what the political masters tell you to do, no complications please – integrity seems to be the hardest word.By Zaid…

You are terminated, Malaysia

Now the Israelis have access to our police database. With the intelligence of the Israelis, and the state-of-the-art technologies of the military intelligence of a country that has recently been in…

Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #9

I was so impressed with this personal effect on me that I wrote to the Malaysian minister of education at the time suggesting that he build a residential school or a university at Cameron Highlands.…

Malaysian cook caned for drinking beer

(AP) KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — A religious school cook in Malaysia was sentenced to six strokes of the cane and a year in jail for drinking alcohol, an official said Thursday, the latest in a series of…

Mei Fun quits

(Malaysian Mirror) KUALA LUMPUR – Chew Mei Fun kept her word and resigned as Wanita MCA chief.  Former deputy Yu Chok Tow was named as her successor, while former vice-president Tan Ah Eng became the…

Cyber attack cripples Free Malaysia Today

(FMT) KUALA LUMPUR: A massive cyber attack on the Free Malaysia Today web site over the past week has disrupted operations and left readers without access to news articles on the site. Legal action is…

Tahun 2011: Malaysia tanah jajahan Israel?

Negara kita, Malaysia merupakan sebuah tanah subur, dimana banyak Negara ingin menaklukinya. Sejak zaman dulu lagi, tanah ini sering dikunjungi pelawat asing yang selepas itu mula merancang serangan…

Where is the ONE?

When this country was formed, there was only one race. And this fact has to be respected, you have to respect us (Malays) for that.By romerz