The Illegitimate Use Of Violence

By Zairil In Weberian philosophy, a nation-state is defined by, inter alia, its monopoly on the legitimate use of violence. This is to say that the state retains all rights to the use of force…

UMNO and Corruption

Corruption is caused as well as increased because of the change in the value system and ethical qualities of men who administer. The old ideals of morality, service and honesty are regarded as an…

Some Wakil Rakyat are real pricks

I remember a year or so ago Barisan Nasional announced that those who wish to contest the general elections must be internet savvy and must have their own websites, Blogs and so on. BN knows

The winds of change

We cannot afford to have crooks or prima donnas represent us. We need those men and women of unquestionable good character to step forward and present themselves. We need to outnumber the

Leaping to nowhere

By Free Malaysia Today Malaysia is a small country with big plans – NEM, GTP, ETP. Lump them all together and we get a fantastic result: a developed nation. It is nothing less than a “quantum leap…

Malaysians, your country has class

By uppercaise If talented foreigners get special treatment to come and live here, what about talented Malaysians who lived here all their lives? Yesterday’s announcement of a new class of…

MTUC Press Statement on Oil and Sugar

Kerajaan memilih malam Jumaat lalu untuk menaikkan harga bahan bakar petroleum dan harga gula. Ini untuk memastikan bahawa berita kenaikan harga bahan-bahan keperluan asas ini tidak serta merta akan…

Jan 1 start for Talent Corp

By Mazwin Nik Anis, The Star Talent Corporation Malaysia Bhd – a government agency to attract local and foreign talents to work in Malaysia – takes off on Jan 1.