Waking up the Opposition

Thank you to MT for posting my article. I received the exact response I expected and was looking forward to. I needed to write the article (all facts as I experienced it) and title it so (to get the…

Dr M, Father of the Regressing Malay

Mahathir forgets easily (II) Today, Dr M joins Perkasa in insisting and almost begging that the Malays remain a begging and handicapped community! Who indeed has insulted the Malays? By…

MEB : First impression in a rush

If not careful, MEB can go the way of Wawasan 2020 – hardly uttered after the Promoter has left the scene, its lofty and noble callings are trampled upon by those who subscribe to anti-logic,…

APCO did work for Israel in the 90s

(The Malaysian Insider) - APCO’s denial that it ever did any work for the Israeli government has proven untrue as a Straits Times report revealed that filings with the US Justice Department show…

Govt refutes PERC report on Najib

Written by Yong Min Wei, The Edge    The government has refuted a report by Hong Kong-based Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) which states that Malaysia, under Prime Minister Datuk…

Cigarettes may contain pig blood

(AAP) CIGARETTES may contain traces of pigs' blood, an Australian academic says with a warning that religious groups could find its undisclosed presence "very offensive".

What’s in a NEM….

By malgalSo as the mainstream news would have it, an entire nation waits with bated breath as their numero uno deliberated and chiseled away at his purported `new economic model ‘. For months…

PM Najib’s “New Economic Model”

HAWKEYEThe Prime Minister Najib Razak is set to unveil his New Economic Model later today. In the Credit Suisse Asian Investment Conference of Hong Kong last week, Najib in his keynote dialoque …

Revamp of affirmative action

Najib said the 'New Economic Model' will see more divestments of government holdings in listed companies and the government is still in consultation on the reform of its subsidy policy.

The NEP is officially dead

(Free Malaysia Today) - Every individual counts. Merit and effort would now matter, in access to resources, jobs, contracts and licenses. Everyone would be consulted and all voices heard. With those…

Dear Mahathir

You and your privileged cronies, inside and outside of government, have robbed the people of this nation, Malays included. By Haris Ibrahim

Ketuanan Malacca

So, in essence, all of Malaya belonged to Indonesia!!! And they all used Chinese money!! And they were all Hindu!!  By John Doe

Private or Public Wings are but a Fallacy

It appears that yet again, CAP’s SM Idris has decided to go on a frolic of his own. This time by stating that Private Wings in Government Hospitals are the wrong things to do. Sometimes one really…