Cakap cakap … keadaan negara kita

Nobody, not the Malays, not the other Bumiputra groups, not the Chinese, not the Indians nor any ethnic groups can afford to allow Najib’s status quo within UMNO to remain “as is” in going into the…

DAP is Racist?

A Reply to Capt Reinu Balakrishnan’s article By Emmanuel Joseph, DAP Socialist Youth, Klang

Now Showing in Bolehland

And as for Mahathir, he should have known better than to associate himself with Perkasa. After this, what credibility is there left for us to still give the old man? He is obviously as misguided as…


Mahathir forgets easily (I)Every trick and treachery by Dr M during his 22 years as PM – "divide-and-rule", purveying a "culture of fear" or creating a "siege mentality", manipulating ethnic and…

Giving Orang Asli land

{youtube}Us-TVg40ExM{/youtube} By parcelling out land to the Orang Asli under the new land policy and then barring them statutorily from making further claims in court, the government could

Perkasa, GLCs and the New Economic Model

Ibrahim Ali and his supporters are wholly mistaken in their view of poverty. The government’s own statistics indicate that poverty, however defined, has been drastically reduced. The stark issue is…

Kenapa Jangan Sokong Umno (Akhir)

Manusia yang cerdik adalah manusia yang mampu menilai dengan baik yang mana betul yang mana salah. Manusia yang bodoh adalah manusia yang hanya menyokong tanpa usul periksa. Rakyat yang cerdik adalah…

DAP is Racist!

Please find below a description of the problems I face with DAP that seriously needs to change if it hopes to convince us to take it seriously as a genuine representative for Malaysians of ALL RACES…

Communist Malaysia

By John Doe  It is certainly strange to hear that Abraham ibn Ali making 67% demands on National Wealth. It is even stranger that he makes claim to it without needing to work for it. So why not…

Sportsmanship and Rules of Engagement

By batsman  Every culture or civilization has its ethics and value systems. These are non-matter and may be of no consequence to materialists but they bind the community together and make sense to…