The aftermath of a Thunderstorm

To my dear Pakatan Rakyat,   Ok. It may seem gloomy when your “weather-ly unstable” Zahhhh-rain broke loose and began his thunderstorm in the house last week. But it was actually a good omen for his…

Kenapa Jangan Sokong Umno (2)

Kalau Yahudi Zionis menghalau bangsanya sendiri kerana mahu menbantai bangsa Arab dan Hamas secara ekstrem, namun di Malaysia bangsa Melayu yang diperintah oleh Umno KETUANAN MELAYU menghalau…

America’s Real Dream Team

When you mix all of these energetic, high-aspiring people with a democratic system and free markets, magic happens. If we hope to keep that magic, we need immigration reform that guarantees that we…

Sabah power supply scandal deepens

(FMT) PENAMPANG: The electricity supply scandal in Sabah has taken a new twist. Figures disclosed by the state and federal power utility companies are at variance with each other and do not add…

Still on NEM

You should be attacking the erroneous ideas of the Ibrahim Alis of the world. You know the effects of the previous NEP, yet you play dumb and appear to accept that the way to progress is to have more…

Of students and social revolutions

The Mawi-Siti Norhaliza culture of thinking constructed in our universities are still reflective of false consciousness, mass deception, 1Malaysia, Hadhari-pop mania and iconoclasm, and emblematic of…

Healthcare As A Bottomless Pit

With rapid urbanization, the inadequacy of these basic infrastructures has turned Third World cities into public health time bombs. Stroll through an exclusive neighborhood of Kuala Lumpur and you…

Pagar Makan Padi

Datuk Zaid IbrahimAwang Selamat marah benar. Kepada orang Melayu yang tidak mahu bersekongkol dengan Ibrahim Ali dan Mahathir Mohamad dalam mesyuarat agung pertama Perkasa pada Sabtu ini, Awang yang…

Shattered Hopes and Broken Dreams

A Memorandum on the Fate of Sabah in the Malaysian Federation Presented by DANIEL JOHN JAMBUN, Esq. At the House of Commons, London, the United Kingdom  March 9, 2010

Musuh Kami : Ong Ka Ting

Sesungguhnya pemilihan kali ini tiada pemenang. Siapa yang menang dan siapa yang kalah akhirnya MCA tetap kalah. By Shen Yee Aun

Melayu boleh!

While Perkasa talk about Malays (I believe they means Malays in Malaysia) being threaten in their own homeland and still weak and need crutches to protect them from "too advance" non-Malays, there…

Mahathir to open Perkasa

(The Straits Times) - FORMER premier Mahathir Mohamad will open the inaugural assembly of controversial Malay nationalist group Perkasa at the end of the month, replacing the Sultan of Selangor who…

PR can work, provided…

I struggle to see how PR can ever look to run the federal government based on the ‘one bus-one driver-one fuel’ model, given their ideological differences. But if they offer the ‘tag-team’ model,…

On MCA Candidates

Are you sick of the ‘Chinese Opera’ in MCA recently? I, for one, am suffering from overdose of news, articles and opinions covering the ongoing debacle in MCA. Silly it is, I should spare myself of…

Zahrain Pembohong Besar

(mStar) KOTA KINABALU: Satu pembohongan yang besar. Itulah reaksi Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional dan Parti Sabah Maju (SAPP) berhubung dakwaan Ahli Parlimen Bayan Baru, Datuk Zahrain Hashim mengenai…