The seven sins of Astro

This letter was written with the hope of “enlightening” the millions of Astro subscribers to the “high-handed” and “couldn’t care less” attitude of our cable TV provider, Astro. I myself have been an…

GST For The Layperson

Malaysians are not ready to deal with the full brunt of a tax that would ultimately make end users ( consumers ) pay for the entire tax imposed on every purchase amounting to the initial 4%…

Ramli Yusuff: Still ready to serve

By Neville Spykerman, The Malaysian Insider Once a cop, always a cop. And Datuk Ramli Yusuff (picture), who was acquitted of not disclosing his assets last week, intends to report for duty at Bukit…

Our ‘rempitised’ education system

My definition: Rempitism (noun; also concept and ideology borrow from the neo-Malay word rempit) - a Malaysian phenomenon in which youth uses the public road system to break the speed limit with…

Darwin Again

The old racial paradigms in Malaysia are obsessed with the idea of domination while there is actually more than one result possible by a clash of civilizations. By batsman

Malaysia delays sales tax plan

MALAYSIA'S government put off a politically risky plan to enforce a 4 per cent goods and service tax, cheering opposition critics on Sunday who claimed it would burden the poor.

The Other Column That Wasn’t

By David D. Mathew This article was meant to appear in Sin Chew Jit Poh on the 9th March 2010. Instead it fell victim to the oft-wielded Printing Presses and Publications Act…