Sedekah untuk Zul

Kemenangan Zulkifli Nordin di Kulim Bandar Baharu adalah sedekah daripada para KAFIRBy Sharingfan Swapaddict

Web attacks after Marina posting

Someone apparently blocked access to Friday’s posting Marina a victim of her dad’s legacy. Late on Friday night, an admin at Malaysia Today emailed to say he hadn’t been able to access it all…

We must not lose hope….

Who are these PKR Politicians that are defecting to UMNO? Who are these PKR politicians who are now “independents” but supporting UMNO? Who are these PKR politicians who will soon be defecting to UMNO…

20 years on and no change whatsoever

Is it not ironic that one of Malaysia's biggest embarrassments of this era is the Malaysian Embassy in Singapore. 20 years have passed. I have personally seen this and experienced it; and to date…

Abraham Elly

It is a wonder, that after all these years UMNO did not see it coming. But like I said, you need someone like him, with that all encompassing wisdom to see through the smokescreen. He is ....”the…

Can Najib Survive Sodomy II?

A weak Umno president will soon be pushed out and we need look no further than Abdullah Badawi who was ignominiously forced to shorten his term considerably after BN’s losses at the 12th general…

The recipe for economic serfdom

The economic ideas of Ibrahim Ali and his cub friends are not difficult to identify. He has supporters of such economic ideas among old school UMNO leaders. His PERKASA has the support of Dr…

The Rhetoric of Oppression*

Art HarunUmberto Eco, in his article, "The Wolf and the Lamb - The Rhetoric of Oppression" (from which the title to this article is borrowed), posits that often enough, an oppressor - such as a…

The brewing storm of GST

So why is the ruling BN government even contemplating this GST move given the present challenge to its rule by PR since 8 March 2008? Surely they are not suicidal nor do they have a death wish do…

PAS tidak perlu Zulkifi

“Mungkin dia (Tuan Ibrahim) berniat dakwah, tapi saya anggap kenyataan itu masih bersifat peribadi yang tidak perlu dipolemikkan,”Keterbukaan Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man mempelawa…