The price of speaking up

By Jacqueline Ann Surin (The Nut Graph) CONSIDER this. Despite the available evidence of Al Islam's unethical undercover report in which the magazine's Muslim journalist spat out the holy communion to…

Is the MACC avoiding Bala?

On 17 December 2009, the MACC wrote to private investigator P. Balasubramaniam’s lawyer. On 24 December 2009, the lawyer responded to the MACC letter, which the MACC replied to on 12

The Star slammed

Social activist Marina Mahathir said The Star refused to publish her weekly column on Wednesday because of concerns that such sensitive articles could jeopardize its printing permit. -- PHOTO: SIN…

The Contemporary Malay Dilemma

Our politics is never about policy. It’s about identity. We constantly flex our imagined political muscle to the non-Malays and non-Muslims because our politicians tell us to do so.By Farouk A. Peru

Wee, a rich deputy minister

(Malaysian Mirror) KUALA LUMPUR -  Speculations are rife that MCA Youth chief Wee Ka Siong has amassed millions of ringgit despite being only a deputy minister.

Chua resigns as MCA deputy president

(Free Malaysia Today) KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek quit as MCA deputy president today and asked for fresh party elections within one month to resolve the party crisis.

The Discomfort of Sitting on the Fence

Of all the places one can think of, the fence must be about the most uncomfortable place on earth to sit (or perch) on. To sit on the fence for a while may be alright but certainly not for long.…

Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #4

Studies show that students who graduated from elite universities consistently earn more than graduates of lesser-known institutions, leading many to credit those august universities. This seems to…

On Reforms

It is a delicate balance to try and make people realize the need for reforms and their fear of reformers who are after all proposing tinkering with closely held beliefs and faith.  By batsman

Who speaks for Islam?

By Deborah Loh (The Nut Graph)CAN non-Muslims speak about Islam? For that matter, can faithful, practising but non-scholarly Muslims, or Muslim women, or Muslim human rights activists, speak about…

End to MP exodus, PKR leaders say

(Malaysian Insider) KUALA LUMPUR, March 4 — PKR national leaders believe that Bagan Serai MP Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri’s resignation should mark the end of the current exodus of MPs.

UMNO takes anybody and everybody!!

Come the next election, we will know what we will do. We will keep the fire burning inside us. Each defection from PKR to UMNO will fan the fire stronger and make it more destructive for UMNO.  By…

Open Letter to Pakatan Members

By Emmanuel Joseph, DAPSY Klang Dear friends, We cannot let them win. We cannot let hopelessness and despair triumph over justice and truth. We cannot succumb to helplessness and self-pity. And most…