Ekonomi Negara Sudah Pulih?

Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, AJK PAS Pusat Pengumuman dibuat oleh YAB PM DS Najib beberapa hari lalu bahawa ekonomi telah pulih tentunya merupakan satu berita gembira. Dalam suku terakhir tahun 2009, ekonomi…

MCA bidas Ibrahim Ali

(Harakah Daily) - MCA hari ini membidas sekeras-kerasnya kenyataan Presiden Pertubuhan Peribumi Perkasa Negara (Perkasa) Datuk Ibrahim Ali yang mendesak kerajaan menghentikan pemberian projek atau…

Road to political change

Azmi Sharom"Our country needs a two-party system. Not as a panacea to all the nation’s ills, but as an important first step towards a vibrant democracy where there will be greater hope for things to…

Three kids and a flute

Art HarunIn exploring and demonstrating the idea that it is possible to have different reasons for justice, each of which would survive "critical scrutiny" but "yields divergent conclusions",…

Nibong Tebal MP quits PKR

(The Star) KUALA LUMPUR: Nibong Tebal Member of Parliament Tan Tee Beng on Monday morning announced he has quit PKR and would remain an independent MP.

Towards A Developed Malaysia (Part 4 of 6)

To me the most significant but not readily apparent change is with the voters.  For the first time they realized that they could actually change their government simply by putting a mark on the ballot…

The Taib Succession Dilemma

Taib just does not want to make a decision about his successor. That is clear. He is in a dilemma because he does not want to make the biggest mistake of his entire "career", one that could haunt him…

An insult to our intelligence

Do they acknowledge the difference in severity: Kartika is to be whipped and fined RM5000 for drinking beer but the man who leaves his wife and kids and mistreats her is only fined RM1000? Do they…

Hak Melayu Terhakis?

By Jahaberdeen Mohamed Yunoos Isu yang sering diperkatakan, terutamanya, sejak Mac 2008 adalah hakisan dan cabaran terhadap “hak Melayu”. Cabaran serta hakisan terhadap “hak melayu”…