Anthem of the govt bully

The forces of Ketuanan Melayu, aided and abetted by KDN, rapped the The Star on its forehead yesterday on the eve of its launch of the paper’s Bahasa Malaysia weekly Mingguan Star by the Sultan of…

Perak Crisis

The courts in Malaysia have ... emasculated themselves by avoiding any form of judicial intervention or activism when the interests of the all powerful executive is at stake. By Gerard Lourdesamy

Yesterday In History

The Star is a joke. Why I still read it on a daily basis is as much an unresolved mystery to me as to why rich and all powerful Najib is unable to get a better looking wife. (Ok you feminist out…

Hartal 1953

Hartal 1953 was a country-wide demonstration, commonly known as a hartal, held in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) on August 12, 1953. It was organised to protest of the policies and actions of

The Malaysia Divide

An institutional overhaul is long overdue in Kuala Lumpur   "The Leopard," Giuseppe di Lampedusa's celebrated novel about the crumbling feudal order in 19th century Sicily, made famous the

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Country

Malaysia seeks to organize an international caning conference Malaysia appears determined to make an international fool of itself. The latest news, according to Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, the Women's…

The weakness of Perkasa

I have been following with interest, yet again, with the development of a new Malay-centric interest group called Perkasa. Is its creation a necessity in an age where in the emerging force of change…

Bukti Papagomo dan Saiful kaki fitnah

Rasanya dah ramai orang kenal cybertrooper UMNGOK yang sekor nih si papagomo, kali ni CiLiK© nak tunjukkan bukti si papagomo ni memang kaki fitnah, selalu timbulkan isu yang bukan-bukan untuk…

Kuli-Kit dialogue on Twitter

Twitter created a stir in the local community this afternoon when two veteran politicians from both sides of the divide took off on a spontaneous discussion covering a number of topics - oil, kalimah…

Malaysian Circus goes to Washington

The nagging question still remains as to why should the NAG team waste the taxpayers’ money and go all the way to put up a circus when the Americans (who created Avatar, remember?) can easily make out…