Petro Ringgit and UMNO politics

A few weeks ago, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has spoken about the oil royalty issue for Kelantan. He is saying that Kelantan is entitled to a 5 % royalty on oil and gas revenues off the Kelantan coast. He…

Nazri: Malaysia Upholds the Rule of Law

The Wall Street Journal The editorial published prior to the beginning of the judicial proceeding against opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim ("Anwar's Second Sodomy Trial," Feb. 2) presented a misleading…

Anwar suffers another setback

(Free Malaysia Today) -  The Anwar Ibrahim trial may be over by the time the opposition leader gets a hearing on his application for a review of the Federal Court’s ruling that denied him access to…

Political agenda disguised

AliranCh'ng Teng Liang looks at the motive of those who demonstrated against the Penang state governent on 5 February, ostensibly in defence of Malay illegal hawkers.

Is Najib on his way out?

 In recent months several events point to familiar UMNO (United Malay National Organisation) intrigue. This occurs whenever there is a tussle for power at the highest level. Is Muhyiddin (who just…

Nizar masih MB Perak yang sah: Ku Li

(Selangor Kini Online) - Veteran Umno, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah menegaskan Datuk Seri Ir Haji Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin masih lagi menjadi Menteri Besar Perak sehinggalah beliau meletakkan jawatan atas…

And the losers are…

The picture of two contrasting man capture many headlines yesterday. My favourite picture is shown below where it shows the contrasting reaction from two opposing leaders. Maybe it is not the actual…

Karpal: Your Lordship has lied

(Free Malaysia Today) - Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s defence,  in a blistering attack, accused High Court judge Datuk Mohamad Zabidin of  lying as they sought to disqualify him from…

Has The Law Truly Become an Ass?

Dr Dzulkefly AhmadFor an event with only two outcomes, there is a 50-50 chance of it happening either way. So you would have thought. Consequently, many wanted the verdict of 9 February of the…

Hey BN, less drama please

By Concerned Citizen I have been watching closely the state of affairs in Malaysia following the 12th general elections held last March 2008. I’m saddened at the immaturity of the ruling coalition in…

Recent observation on Malaysia’s Politics.

By avanccIn the recent political development in Malaysia, I’m beginning to see a sign. I don’t know if I’m seeing it wrongly, but I’m sharing it here so that I can be corrected, or stand a chance to…

Justice is done in by the Federal Court

Today the reputation of the judiciary or whatever was left of it, has been sullied irreparably. In the eyes of the public the judiciary has sunk so low as to allow itself to be intimidated, its…