Towards A Developed Malaysia #1 of 6

The prevailing ethics in a developing country is that the law applies only to ordinary people, not the leaders.  Those in power have nothing but contempt for the law.  It is there to serve their…

Saiful to be cross-examined today

(Bernama) -- The sodomy trial of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at the High Court here, which will enter its fourth day today, will see the defence team cross examining the complainant in the case, Mohd…

Azmin: I won’t be another Zul

(Free Malaysia Today) - Parti Keadilan Rakyat vice president Azmin Ali says he’s not going to be  another Zulkifli Noordin, the recalcitrant MP for Kulim, and upset the apple cart for his own party…

Merdeka poll: Pakatan leads in Perak

(Free Malaysia Today) - Pakatan Rakyat still commands majority support among Perakians with  a Merdeka Centre poll showing  a huge 74 percent of Perak voters still believed that fresh polls were the…

Sometimes Sorry is Irrelevant

Pondering why the Attorney General Chambers of 1Malaysia (1AG) has not yet charged Datuk Nasir Safar under the Sedition Act 1948 and its relevance to the Federal Court decision of Lim Guan Eng v PP 2…

Rigged Politics – The only game in town

As the deck continues to be rigged, I cannot help but both pity and admire those still willing to sit at Malaysia’s crooked game because they believe to leave would mean deserting the rakyat.By Nat…

Racial discrimination in Penang?

These "jaguh kampungs" with low-life mentality burnt the memorandum they wanted to hand over to YAB CM Lim Guan Eng. Now who the hell is going to be able to read the memorandum of protest? By romerz

Open Letter to ALL Pakatan MPs

Dear Few Pakatan Rakyat Elected Representative (You Know Who You Are) Yang Berhormats,   I am writing this to vent my frustration, irritation, disgust, disbelief and anger on how many of you are…

Where’s My Rice?

Mark these words: Sovereign DefaultNot many people are exposed to these words (ummm... ok, me at least). But this will be the catch phrase for 2010. Forget 'sub-prime'. The new lingo is sovereign…