Timeline 2009 (part 5)

In May 2009, the ex-Mufti of Perlis said it is not wrong for the people to criticise the Rulers. Could this have been why they arrested him not long after that for ‘preaching without

What’s Dr M talking about Melayu?

WRITTEN BY HELEN TING, CPI Introduction by Dr Lim Teck GheeDr Mahathir Mohamad has recently been giving distorted history lessons on minority populations. To top these rants, he even sounded almost…

Anwar to subpoena Najib, Rosmah

(The Malaysian Insider) - Opposition leader  Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said today he would subpoena the prime minister as his second trial began on what he says are trumped up charges of sodomy.

Of Optimism, Opportunity & the Opposition

Is the Opposition coalition crumbling like a cookie? Is the door for real, relevant and radical change slowly closing in on us? Shall we just call it a day as we witness Umno’s final curtain of a…

Sodomy II – why you should care

If our judiciary cannot rise above politics and be the beacon of truth and justice for ordinary Malaysians, then the seeds for future anarchy are being laid, one case at a time.By romerz

Traitors and treachery!

If ever elected representatives are turned into renegades and turncoats, we must not only punish these traitors in the next round of elections but we must severely punish the party that encourages…

Suara Reformis Tulen dalam Umno/BN?

Dr Dzulkefly AhmadBagi memetik ungkapan Warren Bennis, seorang pakar ilmu kepimpinan, katanya: ’kepimpinan adalah seumpama kecantikan, sukar hendak ditakrif, namun anda akan tahu ketika berdepan…

KJ: It’s all cyber lies

Honeymah Dylyani, Malaysian Mirror Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has refuted reports in cyberspace and opposition papers that his members want him out.