Did they remember to take off their shoes?

As a Christian, as I prepare to enter the church and face the altar for worship and prayer, a conscious switch in mind, body and soul takes place and I become aware that I am entering the realm of the…

WAIT!! Is this Malaysia or Burma?

There is not a single discussion we can have nowadays without including a sentence or two, or three, which will insult the Malaysian Government. And it's getting from bad to worse. By John Doe

Who is “Bedy Nx Muneh”?

UMNO Baru’s diminishing popularity since March 2008 is taking a wicked turn for the worse with characters like “Non Partisan” creeping around in Facebook. By Sharifuddin A. Latiff

Khalid Samad

Zaid IbrahimKhalid Samad dari PAS adalah seorang pemimpin politik yang saya hormati kerana beliau berani mempertahankan perkara atau prinsip yang benar walau pun mungkin ada orang anggap ia akan rugi…

Avatar and 911

Our great Dr Mahathir said after he saw Avatar, he concluded that if the Americans had such powerful capability in producing such a high-tech movie, they should have the capability to also plot the…

It all depends on median voters

If Pakatan Rakyat is able to fight for another 300,000 votes or more support from median or swing voters, it can then overthrow BN. It is not something impossible. By LIM SUE GOAN/Translated by SOONG…

Terror against religious freedom

THE attacks against churches and other places of worship that ushered in 2010 have brought into sharp focus the intolerance of an unruly minority in Malaysia. This minority is determined to destroy…

Into a ‘high-income government’

COMMENT Our economy in bad shape? We have that from good authority. "We are lagging behind economically and are stagnating for over a decade.By Jan Yong (Malaysian Mirror)


We do not need leaders or even former leaders to ridicule themselves with statements that bring shame to our nation in the international arena which may in fact cause a drop in FDI or even trade…

‘Allah’ milik siapa?

Alkisah. Melayu itu semuanya Islam tapi Islam tidak semestinya Melayu. Islam itu berkait rapat dengan Allah tapi adakah Allah itu milik mutlak orang Melayu?By Utuh Paloi

Malaysia’s war of words over God

(Guardian, UK) In countless tourism adverts, Malaysia asks the world to see it as "Truly Asia". In the past days and weeks, its government's bid to portray the nation as a harmonious multicultural…

You are the problem, Dr M

His economic policies have shown failure and the spill over effects are felt up until today, with the country now lagging to even compete with minnows back in the 1970’s like Indonesia, Thailand and…

Media Statement by Lim Kit Siang

Mahathir would have created an “international incident” between Malaysia and the United States if he is still Prime Minister with his post-Avatar view that the 911 attacks was staged as an excuse “to…

The symptoms and the disease

Art HarunI would like to congratulate the police force for a job well done in arresting 8 suspects for the church attack. Granted, the police had had a lucky break when one of the arrested person…