Shadow Play & Shadow Boxing

After tedious investigations, the two ministries, Defence and Home have finally succeeded in dragging ‘two little Indians’ to mask (or is it expose) the weaknesses of our armed forces.By Utuh Paloi

Oh Lord, Are You Confused Too?

We ALL know that this is nothing but an UMNO propaganda. But why is it that UMNO must always make the Malays look stupid and weak? UMNO is giving Islam a very bad name. Wouldn't all this make Islam…

Sodomy II: Anwar gets more time

(The Star) - The Federal Court has allowed an application by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for sufficient time to file a petition of appeal to compel the prosecution to supply documents and inspection of…

Polis Paris siasat Najib?

(Free Malaysia Today) - Isu pembunuhan Altantuya Shariibuu dan dakwaan rasuah dalam pembelian kapal selam Scopene terus menghantui Perdana Menteri dengan pihak berkuasa Perancis berkemungkinan…

They have lost it!

There are frenzied police reports being made, to protest the court decision in favour of the non Muslims' right to use the word “ALLAH”, mass protests and rallies are being planned across the…

Wayang Kulit goes on and on

Will the twist of the missing engines be over? Not likely. And at least not in the immediate future. There will be more twist, turn and spin before we know the truth. If we ever do. By Utuh Paloi…

Responding to “Allah” differently

By Ding Jo-Ann (The Nut Graph) PREDICTABLE. This best sums up the reactions by some Muslim groups and the government to the High Court's 31 Dec 2009 decision to lift the ban on the use of "Allah" by…

Mysterious people in need of rules

I don’t understand what is so edifying about claiming that we are always weak and easily confused. How do we on the one hand claim a superior position for our faith when at the same time we admit that…

Unmarried couples arrested

(The Independent) Fifty-two unmarried Muslim couples face charges of sexual misconduct and possible jail after being caught in hotel rooms by Malaysia's Islamic morality police.

It Is Still A Malay vs Malay Contest

The participation of the nons in politics is critical and of utmost importance in the new conditions of the post tsunami period. Any withdrawal of the nons at this juncture will repeat the failure…