PAS backs use of Allah by Christians

By Adib Zalkapli, The Malaysian Insider Despite strong opposition from some Muslims groups, PAS last night decided to back the use of the word Allah by Catholics, saying that it is consistent with the…

3 soalan bukan Islam untuk ustaz PAS

Wahai ustaz-ustaz PAS sekalian,Diharap ustaz-ustaz dapat membantu saya dalam mencari jawapan-jawapan terhadap beberapa kebuntuan dan persoalan saya mengenai agama Islam dan juga isu hangat yang sedang…

I would be extremely rich ……..

.......... if there was a bookie who would offer a betting market for the outcome of "official" investigations into wrong doings by those within the UMNO/BN government and those from federal…

Apakah kamu telah lupa amaran Allah?

Kita takut dengan bayang-bayang. Kita takut orang Islam terkeliru kerana penggunaan berganda. Mengapa kita tak fikir kita ada kelebihan sebab orang lain sudah mengakui Tuhan kita adalah tuhan mereka…

Allah milik Umno dan NGO Ibrahim Ali?

Pemuda Umno Selangor menangguhkan demonstrasi besar-besaran yang dirancang berkenaan dengan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur membenarkan akhbar The Herald menggunakan kalimah Allah. Klik disini.…

Patriotism or treason? Your choice!

Recently, I met up with quite a number of my friends who are in their late 20's and early 30's. To my horror, allof them have not registered as voters!!! Worse still, they claim that this is a…

RPK pengecut or MACC pengecut?

My client informs me that he had, on the 4th December 2009, sent you an email informing you that Mr. P. Balasubramaniam was prepared to assist you in your investigations into the above report subject…

Why Join a Political Party?

Joining a political party is not about loss of democracy, but precisely to further democracy. Some persons with impaired judgment think that by submitting to discipline on a personal level, all…

Pemuda UMNO kecewa konon.. Piiiirahhhh!!!!

Kenapa mereka tidak kecewa dikala Mahathir mencadangkan agar Al~Quran ditafsir semula mengikut kesesuaian masakini. Bagi Mahatir,Islam adalah penghalang utama untuk merealisasikan wawasan sekularnya…

Smart schools, sick schools

 Now we hear that many schools do not have water and electricity supply, let alone computers to make the schools and students smart. I think our children deserve better than empty promises by the…