One people, one nation — Is it possible?

Well-meaning Malaysians have cause to be worried. They have reason to worry where we are heading as a nation. Our unity is so fragile that we wonder why after 50 years of nationhood we have failed…

Who will be the Lotus F1 team in 2011?

The Independent on Sunday recently reported that Lotus made a $23 million loss in 2009. The same report claimed that Proton relied on bank loans and Malaysian tax payer’s money to ensure the…

Appoint Ronnie into committee

Teng, a long-time diehard rival of Ronnie, is sure to block the appointment, even if the top national leadership recommends it. Teng has already indicated that Ronnie should not be appointed,…

Anwar akui silap letak calon

Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mengakui parti itu meletakkan calon yang tidak begitu baik pada pilihan raya umum lalu, tetapi menyatakan terdapat hikmah di sebalik…