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What is it about some of these Chinese and Indian converts of Islam who seem so eager to outdo some of the Malays in their fanaticism and nationalism? The mind boggles!By Johan Brendon

PM ticket for Pakatan undecided, says PKR

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani, The Malaysian InsiderPETALING JAYA, Nov 28 — PKR leaders have confirmed that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has yet to decide on who will lead the federal government if the pact wins…

RM1.6b LRT job

By Rozanna Latif, New Straits TimesKUALA LUMPUR: Contracts worth a total of RM1.6 billion have been awarded to the two successful main contractors to undertake the first phase of the Kelana Jaya and…

Lies, damn lies and stupidity

What really sickens me to the core of my being is that I know for a fact that someone in the party HQ knows that the letter is a forgery. It was created to cover up an initial honest mistake made by…

Selangor launches no-KDN newspaper

By uppercaise A free newspaper, under political patronage Selangor Times, a free weekly newspaper with a focus on community news, went on the streets today in a test of media freedom and setting…

Pakatan Rakyat: A Unity of Hatred?

Regarding what has been said by Raja Petra about the unity of hatred instead of love, Khalid said he doesn’t deny it. However, the lack of love more BN’s fault than Pakatan’s fault but given full…