The Gamble Of Early Election

A Kadir JasinONE of those resilient politicos, whose career I have tracked since the late 1960s when I became a reporter, is the DAP supreme leader, Lim Kit Siang.

PKR – A Victim of Black Ops?

By batsman I really have no idea. Black ops being what it is definitely does not go around advertising its presence. However, an article on MT triggers some thoughts (How corporate America is pushing…

A Letter to King Karpal

To state for a fact that Zaid cannot be trusted is absurd, especially when Zaid was commenting on the felonious state of affairs regarding the party polls. If only you would take the time (carpe…

Whither the Indians in PKR?

The idea of a multi-racial political party was appealing. We hoped that in such an environment the minority would be given enough space. We prayed that a leader who had suffered injustice would…

Apologise when you are wrong

By R. Nadeswaran, The Sun THE people of the United Kingdom are going through one of their worse times in recent memory. Huge cuts in spending and that means thousands of job losses – 400,000 alone in…

Sime Darby cannot be investigated by PAC

By Bernama KUALA LUMPUR: The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) cannot conduct an investigation on Sime Darby Bhd (Sime Darby) because the conglomerate is not a government department, said PAC chairman…

Parliament leaks again

By Lee Yuk Peng and Yuen Meikeng, The StarKUALA LUMPUR: A heavy downpour caused the lobby of the Parliament House to be drenched after the roof sprang a leak, but the Dewan Rakyat will continue with…

RM16m paid to seven NKEA lab consultants

By Bernama KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 23 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the government paid a total of RM16 million to seven consultant companies which assisted in handling 12 National Key…

Sarawak – a state of independents

By Maclean Patrick, Free Malaysia Today It cannot be faulted if we all agree that it is human nature for people to group together within familiar circles. We see this in family units, communities,…

BN begins to strike back

By Zainal Epi, Free Malaysia Today KUALA LUMPUR: The Barisan Nasional (BN) is on the roll: it has introduced a new open door concept to make the coalition more inclusive and a new logo to replace…

Sorry no news

On Saturday, 27th November 2010, we shall be holding a MCLM committee meeting to brief the committee members about the latest development. After that I can then announce what it is we are up

‘Halang Anwar ke luar negara’

(Utusan Online) - Ahli-Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) mendesak kerajaan supaya menghalang Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ke luar negara bagi mengelak beliau daripada terus menghina…

Will Kitingan ditch Anwar-Azmin team?

By Luke Rintod and David Thien KOTA KINABALU: Outgoing PKR vice-president Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said that his priority was Sabah and that his group was' willing to work with whichever party' that…

White Rajah, White Paper, whitewash

By Free Malaysia Today The “White Rajah” of Sarawak had the audacity to pull the wool over the people's eyes when he sanctimoniously proclaimed that he supported a move to publish a White Paper to…