Bravo Sir

By Hakim Joe “DSAI, might as well just become the party dictator and choose your personal cronies as you like without having to go through the joke of staging party elections.”

Is UMNO/BN in Denial Syndrome?

“Who gave Musa Aman the authority to dictate as to how and who should be given this allocation increase, amounting to RM62.7 million? Why only to the 56 UMNO/BN Assemblyman, a partyless assemblyman,…

Anwar barred from doctors’ notes

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 22 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was denied access today to the medical notes of three Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) doctors, which his…

How will it benefit Malaysia?

By R. Nadeswaran, The Sun ONE of the principles of this column’s longevity is that there is no compulsion to agree with the writer’s views. Everyone has a right to disagree with his opinions.…

Hanya 1.16% tanah milik Melayu

Agak menakutkan melihat nasib orang Melayu di Pulau Pinang hari ini kerana di bawah kepimpinan kerajaan DAP sekarang, agensi amanah yang ditubuhkan untuk menjaga kepentingan kaum Melayu di negeri…

PKR is Fighting for its Life

By batsman Don’t forget that UMNO itself was once de-registered. Through an unhappy series of events, it would seem that PKR is now being maneuvered and maneuvering itself into de-registration.…

Disdain for cops a ‘crime,’ says MCPF

(TMI) The negative perception of the police by the community is seen as a new “crime” which should be curbed immediately, according to Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) Vice-Chairman Tan…

Is it pink ballot papers week?

By Haris Ibrahim I received this e-mail and the photos below about 4 hours ago.________________________________Dear Haris,Attached are the ballot papers for today’s PKR elections.