DAP: Speaker tampering with sacred Hansard

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today KUCHING: The opposition in Sarawak have accused the state speaker and his secretariat at the state legislative assembly of 'tampering' and 'manipulating' with…

Pakatan could face supporters in next GE

(TMI) Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders aspiring to stand in the next general election are expected to face stiff competition from a group planning to contest as independent candidates. The initiative by…

Let’s KPI Khazanah

By Sakmongkol AK47  Was Asas serba's offer to take over the 23 toll road concessions for RM 50 billion rejected because Nor Mohamad Yaakob wanted it that way?

An open letter to the Prime Minister

By Johan Brendon     Dear Prime Minister, This letter sets out to find the real Najib Razak. So let me start with your controversial ‘1Malaysia’ slogan. Did you conceive the idea because you have…

PKR: Parti Keadilan Rempit?

That “Road to Putrajaya” line alone is a sufficiently shocking sign that PKR/Pakatan is dangerously close to losing its way. What do these people imagine so many Malaysians are pinning their hopes…

Where are the Friends of Pakatan?

Mariam Mokhtar Last July, the Friends of Pakatan Rakyat (FoPR) was officially launched in London to great acclaim by Zaid Ibrahim, who had specially flown into England, with his DAP and PAS…

PM: Unnecessary to commemorate May 13 riots

By Bernama Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said Wednesday it was unnecessary to commemorate the racial riots of May 13. "We should regard it as an event in the annals of history from which we can…

Why only 8.48%?

By Lim Mun Fah, MySinChew The direct election of the PKR carries exemplary significance as it is the first time being held in Malaysia. However, the voter turnout so far remains as low as 8.48%.…

The pungent smell of corruption

By Lim Sue Goan, Malaysian Mirror Following the exposure of the corruption scandal involving immigration officers, it seems that the highest income jobs in the country is not that of the big…

The majority must learn to be sensitive

By A Vaithilingam, Free Malaysia Today Some recent actions and utterances by our politicians and public servants who are of the majority community have been most insensitive, hurting the feelings of…

The Malaysian Tea Party

Malaysians love tea, they love the 'Teh Tarik' in particular but they also do love Teh O' Ais Limau. As a matter of fact, it is not surprising to say that the most popular drink in