Sex educaton next year in schools

By Bernama KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia has announced it will introduce sex education classes next year in secondary schools, after initially scrapping the idea due to objections from conservative…

YTL Arrogant and Narrow Minded?

By Datuk Tham Nyip Shen DATUK Yong Teck Lee, certainly has no comparison to Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon. While Koh, a good friend of mine may have some short coming, is by far a much cleaner politician as…

“Black Hawk Down”, but not out

By GM, Penampang Sabah With the neverending problems happening within PKR, a majority of political fence sitters are looking towards SAPP as the capable party to shake the Sabah BN in the coming…

Fast and furious Bersih 2.0 unveiled

By Patrick Lee, Free Malaysia Today PETALING JAYA: As speculations intensify that the general election is around the corner, the upgraded version of the Coalition for Fair and Free Elections…

The Reformasi that never was

By Stanley Koh, Free Malaysia Today Malaysians generally have had enough of politicians. What they crave is real leadership. Over the last 20 years or so, their distrust of their representatives…

SPM must-pass: Who writes History?

When they start teaching patriotism in History class, what guarantee is there that teachers in sekolah kebangsaan will not echo the prejudices of Umno Minister Zahid, or the Perkasa-friendly…

Pakatan losing the race to Putrajaya?

The Pakatan Rakyat still has massive support in the urban areas, but it has not made much headway in the rural areas since the 2008 general election. The BN-Umno is still influential among the Malay…

Zaid rocks PKR ‘democracy’

This is the country's first transparent "one-person one-vote" direct election but one that has attracted allegations of fraud and money politics and a mere nine per cent of members and 12 per cent…

What Zaid should do

TK Tan, The Micah Mandate I have watched Zaid with interest since his efforts to restore judicial integrity as a minister in Abdullah’s cabinet. I like it when a man tries to do what he thinks is…