The importance of Bersih

By Jacqueline Ann Surin, The Nut Graph IT feels like only yesterday but it’s been three years this week since the historic Bersih rally of 10 Nov 2007 that demanded for free and fair elections. For…

A Promise Is A Promise

It must have been a very emotional and disappointing moment for many Pakatan supporters to read of the results of recent by-election in Batu Sapi; and more so in Galas as it was previously won by…

Indeed, who is lying?

The People's ParliamentAt 6.34pm today, to the ‘PKR Secretariat responds’ post, Potblack sent in the following comment : “Bro Haris, Please be responsible in your reporting. Either the Sec.Gen or…

PI Bala dares AG to charge him

(The Malaysian Insider) - Self-exiled private investigator P. Balasubramaniam has dared the Attorney General (AG) to press charges against him for crossing the law, in a bid to keep alive…

BN pouring in RM80mil for 620 votes

A lot is being made of BN's Linda Tsen's whopping 6,359 majority in the Batu Sapi by-election. Without wishing to take anything away from her, it is important to point out that she scored just 294…

Pakatan Rakyat for Malaysia

I have always believed in Anwar, ever since he was on trial for the first time. It was not due to the fact that I believe he was innocent; it was more of the illogical statements by the witnesses’…

Mahathir – A man who lost the plot

By Johan Brendon Of late, Dr. Mahathir has upped the ante on a number of issues to provoke incredulity. His recent outburst comparing the Guantanamo Bay internees with Anwar Ibrahim just goes to show…

Restoring sanity

Each time a political party general assembly comes around, there inevitably will be chest thumping speeches about defending the race and being wary about sneaky other races whose sole aim is…

MPPJ enforcement officers cry foul

The fact that this is blatant abuse of power, or not to put too fine a point on it, corruption, seems to escape them completely as they set about, single-mindedly, to develop popular ground support,…

Zaman kebangkitan?

Saya tak faham sikap masabodo pemimpin UMNO. Hanya kerana kita menang di Batu Sapi dan Galas, maka ramai pemimpin sudah mengistiharkan UMNO dan BN sudah pulih. Para penganalis pula menyatakan…