Mengapa PAS kalah di Galas

Punca PAS kalah di Galas secara mudah boleh difahami daripada prestasi undi yang raih antara dua pilihan raya, iaitu daripada pilihan raya umum 208 kepada pilihan raya kecil 2010. Jadual 1 berikut…

What happened to the Chinese votes?

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid, Free Malaysia Today GUA MUSANG: Many observers and analysts shared a common sentiment that the Chinese votes in the country were securely in the bag of the opposition. In the…

Send In the Datuks

By Kee Thuan Chye    I HAD a good cackle the other day – over a caption that appeared in an article of a mainstream newspaper. It was for photographs of four Malaysian singers who had appeared as…

Sins of the Grandfathers

I got this article through a friend. The implications of the genetic findings are formidable for the Malays and the Muslims. I have frequently asked why the early Muslims were great scientists and…

The Keshvinder Singh story

This is the letter I received from a reliable source about what really happened. It looks like DAP, PKR and PAS all share the same problem of sub-standard Wakil Rakyat. This is even more the reason…

Eight reasons why Pakatan lost

Bridget Welsh, Malaysiakini The BN deservedly should claim and savour yesterday’s victories. The combined gains in Galas and Batu Sapi show significant swings across ethnic minorities, which proved…

To lord over, or to love and liberate?

The People's Parliament“The writing is on the wall. BN will win the next GE. It’s now a matter of whether it will be a landslide. At the very least, BN should win back its two-thirds majority” – my…

An ode to Pakatan Rakyat

Well, the Galas by-election in Kelantan and the Batu Sapi by-election in Sabah are over and we all know the results. Many are waiting for my write-up on the matter. But no, I am not going to

I Told You So!

Every Malaysian already knew that BN was gonna dish out cash and goodies. It is a known fact. The people at Batu Sapi were literally waiting for handouts and looking for goodies distribution centres.…

The Prerogative of Choice

The opportunity to change a government is not as easy as going to the nearest convenience store. An elected sitting government can by constitutional provision keep the power to govern for five long…

Groups urge SPM to be postponed

(The Star) Several calls have been made for the SPM examination, scheduled to begin on Nov 23, to be postponed as the preparations of students in flood-hit Kedah and Perlis would have been affected.…

The UMNO Party, Partay & POOOOODAH!

By That Effing Show  Dear machas and michos!It's that time of year again, and the circus was back in town.  Full of all those carnival type festivities: freak shows, novelties, ringmaster rhetoric.…

Blue Wave Sweeps Over Batu Sapi and Galas

By Free Malaysia Today KUALA LUMPUR: Barisan Nasional has scored a double victory in the Batu Sapi and Galas by-elections, giving Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's administration a resounding stamp…

BN wins big in Batu Sapi, regains Galas

(FMT) KUALA LUMPUR: Barisan Nasional has retained the Batu Sapi parliamentary seat by a massive majority and is all set to regain the Galas state seat in Kelantan from PAS, giving Prime Minister…