AGM null and void, say PKR members

(The Star) - A group of PKR Pokok Sena founding members are threatening to bring their case to the Registrar of Societies if the party fails to resolve the controversy surrounding the rightful…

SAPP Must Declare Their Stand

SAPP contests all the State seats (60) in Sabah as an opposition party chanting Sabah for Sabahans as a slogan. They win at least half, which is 30 seats, and before you know it they return to BN to…

Be patient, Perkasa tells Orang Asli

By Patrick Lee. Free Malaysia TodayThe Orang Asli must wait for the government to provide their much-needed infrastructure, according to right-wing Malay NGO Perkasa. “They (the Orang Asli) need…

A legacy of apathy and neglect

By Michael Kaung, Free Malaysia TodaySANDAKAN: The Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition government, fighting to prevent the opposition from making inroads into Batu Sapi, is struggling to keep voter…

Anal Retentive dUMNO speech

Written by dUMNOYang Berhormat, Yang kurang Berhormat, dan Yang Tidak Dihormat, Datuk-Datuk, Nenek-Nenek, Tuan-Tuan, Puan-Puan dan para hadirin seklian. For the benefit of the NON's, I will conduct…

RM465m paid for incomplete RM256m project

By Rahmah Ghazali, Free Malaysia Today KUALA LUMPUR: The government has paid RM465 million to a company for a RM256 million job that it has not done, according to DAP publicity chief Tony Pua.…

Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #38

By M. Bakri Musa Chapter 5: Understanding Globalization (Cont’d) The Forces Driving Globalization Much as the Industrial Revolution of the 18th Century was driven by machines, so too is today’s…

300 Malaysians

After reading your article and the comments written around, it’s not a surprise to see some rejected the core idea of it even before they know the details and the objectives of the movement, biasa la…