‘History must be balanced’

(The Star) - The history of Malaysia presented to students must be balanced and document sufficiently the contributions made by all the races, said MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

Why hold back, Shahrizat?

What’s preventing women from grabbing the opportunities available? If Shahrizat believes women to have the ability, then why ‘wait’ for men in politics to ‘give them a chance’?By Mariam Mokhtar

Moving Backwards with Backward Decisions!

I pity the student population who are being treated like guinea pigs in some horrible experiment gone awry! We have seen so many changes in the education system in the past few years, none of which…

Anwar, Pack Up And Leave Batu Sapi

We rakyat are real suckers. At least that's what most of our Malaysian politicians seem to think.The entire Barisan Nasional politicians think that we are idiots who cannot think. (Ok... Truth is I…

In History, parents group sees bleak future

By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider “The rationale behind abolishing PMR was to remove the overly examination-oriented system, rote-learning and tuition away from students,” she said. “By now…

Is the ISA the answer to human trafficking?

By Ding Jo-Ann, The Nut Graph THREE years ago, amid much fanfare to prove Malaysia’s credentials to the international community, the Barisan Nasional (BN) government enacted the Anti-Trafficking…