Malaysia Today as a Platform for Change

Campaigning is not easy, you need money to campaign. I finance myself personally using my monthly salary to spread the word and use Malaysia Today as a platform. Raja Petra has given us a platform…

Hacking ethics — Unsecuring Unifi?

By Aizuddin Danian There is an interesting debate going on in the Unifi forums over at Basically, when TM rolled out their fiber optic internet broadband service called Unifi, they:(a)…

Time to tighten anti-graft laws

By R. Nadeswaran. The Sun With the spate of high profile corruption cases being thrown out, the perception is that the investigations or prosecution or both fouled up. Again, this is public…

A-G’s Report – Who’s Listening?

No more wasteful spending??? Just surf the net for data on budgets of certain departments or renovation costs for certain buildings and you can start shaking your head sans Beatles music!!

What the 30% means on the ground

UMNO says that they do not steal from the Chinese to give to the Malays. This may actually be true. What seems to happen is that UMNO steals from the Chinese in a rather sneaky and hidden manner…

Part 19: Can the MACC explain this?

The Urban Development Authority (UDA), in joint-venture with Timang Saga Sdn Bhd (who holds 70%), will be developing the site of the old Pudu Jail in Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur. The project is…

Social Contracts

by batsmanI do not know what the fuss is about with regard to social contracts. As far as I know, Dato’ Onn never mentioned it. Neither did the Tunku or Tun Razak or Tun Hussein or Tun Dr. Ismail for…

Not a question of loyalty

By Roger Tan, The Star Malaysians who live, work or study in Singapore should not be regarded as disloyal to their own country. LIKE many Malaysians, I am naturally proud of ex-Muar High School boy…

Students, question authority!

The essence of being human is that of having the insatiable urge to question and to search for answers, and next, not satisfied with the answers, to continue to question.A REPUBLIC OF VIRTUEDr.…

Errors in PMR English paper

By Mr. Lim in The Star I WISH to highlight some glaring errors which appeared in English Paper 1 of the recent PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah) examination.

Henti bahas hak Melayu – PM

(Utusan) - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak meminta semua pihak supaya berhenti mempersoal dan membahaskan mengenai hak istimewa Melayu serta pada masa sama mengulangi bahawa ia dijamin dalam Perlembagaan…

Taib’s Secret Bomoh – Exclusive!

Sarawak Report Sarawak Report can reveal that the aging Chief Minister of Sarawak, Abdul Taib Mahmud, relies on a peronal witchdoctor, or so-called Bomoh, to make all key personal and government…