Confusion over sedition

Not everything that is regarded as sensitive is necessarily seditious. Sedition is a very serious matter. Our Sedition Act 1948 has its origins in English Law though the need to provide for local…

Moles in MACC

(NST) He said the commission had lodged a police report on Sept 25 after it discovered that documents on investigations into several VIPs had appeared on blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin’s Malaysia…

Ecological havoc: State govt panned

(FMT) Sarawak PKR today slammed the state government for its failure to prevent an “ecological disaster” when timber mass and debris clogged the Rajang River for the past five days.

Halal? Haram? Heck if I know…

The scary part of all this is that it is becoming more and more like 1 IslamicConservativeMalaysia, where everyone and everything is merely discarded as being non-Malaysian, plus the constant…

What now for Gerakan in Penang?

(Bernama) The outcome of the no-confidence vote against Penang Gerakan chairman  Dr Teng Hock Nan has left the party members in the state with no choice but to close ranks and prepare to face the…

PAS objects to Adam Lambert concert

(Reuters) PAS today demanded that authorities cancel a planned concert by US glam rocker Adam Lambert that they say is promoting “gay culture” in the mainly Muslim country.

Gerakan’s “Animal Farm”

Gone are the days when Gerakan had brave lions and wise leaders such as Syed Hussein Alatas, Tan Chee Khoon, V. David, and in recent times, former member Toh Kin Woon. Today the party looks like a…

Managing change

May I suggest that the first goal of the vision to transform Malaysia would be to give the opposition every chance to become a credible and effective alternative, in the context of the nation. The…

Parties facing uncertain times

If the BN wins the two by-elections, the Sarawak state election might be held together with the general election in March next year. The Batu Sapi by-election in Sabah is going to serve as a vane…