We will be in Galas, says Mafrel

By Stephanie Sta Maria, Free Malaysia Today KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysians For Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel) will act as an independent watchdog for the Galas by-election regardless of whether the…

MACC, Khir Toyo & RPK

Past week, I have been following and interesting revelation about MACC investigations on Khir Toyo trip to Morocco and several other places which were published by Malaysia Today. I wanted to…

A wake up call for Anwar

Raja Petra Kamarudin went on the offensive against Pakatan Rakyat and PKR at a forum in London. Is he about to turn his back on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim or is it because he is growing impatient…

MPSP – from deficit to surplus

By romerz Slightly more than two years ago, Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai (MPSP) was ailing financially. Remember MPSP having to absorb responsibility for the white elephant called the Batu…

Guan Eng: Reveal use of betting revenue

By The Sun SEBERANG PERAI (Oct 5, 2010): Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has criticised the Federal Government for not revealing where it has channelled the betting revenue it received.

A realistic manifesto for Sarawak

By Free Malaysia Today KUCHING: The Sarawak Barisan Nasional (BN) is now in the midst of formulating a manifesto for the coming 10th state election, Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud said.…

EC targets civil servants in voter drive

By G. Manimaran, The Malaysian Insider PUTRAJAYA, Oct 6 — The Election Commission (EC) targets to sign-up more than 400,000 civil servants to become new voters before the next general election. The…

The 3rd Force – Realities

A wish is empty if it does not possess any chance of achievement. I sincerely wish that there is a 3rd force in Malaysian politics, but the reality is that the opposition as a loose grouping is…

A Simple Solution

By Masterwordsmith For sure, many foreigners might be shaking their heads in disbelief when they read about how ministers are squabbling about whether certain monies are "haram".

Guan Eng : Sebab UMNO paling takut

{youtube}eUTHCgCohBo{/youtube}Or watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUTHCgCohBo CM Lim said savings and also the anti-corruption dividends have enabled the state to afford giving to all…