Is a Third Force the answer?

Although we are not optimistic about the current development of a third party, it is undeniable that a third force can indeed help break through the political shackle of either black or white. In…

Kes Saman Raja Petra 23 November

(Bernama) Mahkamah Tinggi hari ini menetapkan 23 November ini untuk pengurusan kes saman peguam, Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah terhadap pengendali laman blog Malaysia Today, Raja Petra Raja…

BTN – a Frankestein gone berserk

(FMT) The Biro Tata Negara (BTN) or National Civics Bureau has been hogging the limelight lately all for the wrong reasons. Ostensbily created for the purpose of fostering patriotism and “commitment…

Percubaan Mendemokrasikan Diri

DARI JELEBU Hishamuddin Rais Permasaalahan yang sedang dihadapi oleh PKR ini ialah pucuk pimpinan PKR cuba membawa demokrasi dengan membezakan  diri mereka dengan demokrasi yang diamalkan oleh…

Journos must stand firm against bigotry

Police action against journalists and media houses have become more frequent, its use sanctioned by those allied to the ruling political elite. Very clearly, these actions are aimed at criminalising…

Islamophobia: Bereskan rumah sendiri dulu

Lihat sahajalah perdebatan tentang sama ada orang bukan Islam boleh masuk ke dalam masjid. Bagaimana orang bukan Islam hendak lebih rapat dan mempunyai persepsi positif tentang Islam jika mereka…

Samy’s exit sparks Subra-Palani rivalry

(TMI) MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu has only just announced he is stepping down next year, but the fight to take the lead and become party spokesperson has already started between deputy…

Ku Li in Galas battle royal

(The Star) Gua Musang is Ku Li and Ku Li is Gua Musang. That is why Umno is determined that Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah should take the leading role in the Galas by-election.

English is important, Idris Jala

Does Idris really believe that all the knowledge we have and need is available in Bahasa Malaysia? If he does, then he is in denial or perhaps he is very much ill-informed. By Erna Mahyuni (TMI)

The need to stand up and be counted

RPK insisted that the next election was going to be won through the media but stressed that we needed a credible opposition or a good alternative to the existing government. He insisted that…

Last rites begin for Gerakan

By Thomas Lee Seng Hock, MySinchewThe last rites for Gerakan have started to be performed by no lesser person that its former president Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik, who has announced that he is quitting as…

Safe to come home, Nazri tells RPK

By BernamaSHAH ALAM, Oct 4 — Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz today assured Malaysia-Today blogger Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin that he would be safe if he returned to Malaysia. “Malaysia is not a ‘banana…

The Predictability of Stupidity

I read this report in The Malaysian Insider with much amusement as it is a non-starter to me anyway. What is the point of seeking Malaysians residing abroad to return to their mother land when more…

PKR must appreciate and respect new members

By Saidil Simoi, Ketua Cabang Kota Belud, PKRI am dismayed that PKR leaders are repeatedly belittling new members of the party, either branding them untrustworthy or novices. Previously, a warning of…

No place for immature and childish leaders

By Loh Gwo-Burne, MP for Kelana Jaya Today I read with great disappointment the words used by Azmin Ali, a leader which many of us PKR members look up to, when the PKR Deputy President hopeful, or…

Umno panics and does a u-turn

It looks like I have caught them with their pants down. They scream, rant and rave that I am too chicken to return to Malaysia. And then, when I call their bluff and say that I shall return,