Mengapa saya ajak Perkasa berdebat?

Oleh Nurul Izzah Anwar Semenjak tulisan saya menjemput Perkasa untuk berdebat tentang kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu pada 31 Ogos lalu diterbitkan, bermacam-macam tohmahan telah dikeluarkan…

RM2 Bilion Untuk Bekalan Air Di Sabah

Oleh Suriati Mahmud, SabahkiniRAKYAT Sabah, terutama kontraktor bakal mendapat durian runtuh apabila Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah (KKLW) melaksanakan projek khas bekalan air luar…

Hari Malaysia untuk siapa?

Perubahan harus dibawa oleh rakyat.  Tidak cukup 16 September diberi cuti umum untuk merayakan Hari Malaysia.  Kita perlukan lebih daripada itu.  Oleh Nalini. M dan Kohila, dari Sekretariat JERIT…

Azmin offers himself for PKR No. 2 post

Malaysia Chronicle As expected, PKR vice president Azmin Ali has thrown his hat into the ring for the party’s deputy presidency, setting the stage for a thrilling fight with FT division chief Zaid…

Investors shun Malaysia for neighbours

By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian InsiderKUALA LUMPUR, Sept 16 — Malaysia is now the “least favoured market” in Asia Pacific for investors after nearly doubling its underweight rating from last…

The politics of freedom

By Stephanie Sta Maria (FMT)KUALA LUMPUR: A fight for freedom of expression in a democratic country is an act of absurdity. Unless, of course, that democracy is tainted by the grubby hands of…

Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #32

By M. Bakri Musa Chapter 5: Understanding Globalization There is no doubt that globalization is an idea whose time has come…. the fact that has come…does not mean we should sit by and watch as the…

Tan Kay Hock

The question that comes to mind is that while Kay Hock is quite a despicable, shallow, pain in the butt, why pick on him and side with businessmen whose patrons have looted tens of billions…


By Malaysian It is just a matter of time before we are hit by a food crisis, due to grain production falling below consumption levels, falling grain trade volumes, as well as the concomitant price…

What extremism means

So you see, my dear Najib, if we really want to be non-extremist then there is much we need to change. To shed extremism there is much we need to shed. And the first would be to shed the

Siapakah ‘Musuh Parti’ dalam PKR?

Zaid IbrahimSyed Shahir Syed Mohamud adalah seorang pemimpin kanan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) dan juga merupakan presiden Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia (MTUC). Baru hari ini, Ketua Cabang PKR…