The Real Terence Fernandez

By Terence Fernandez  The "Terrence Fernandez" who had written that garbage on RPK's mental health is an impostor who is trying to damage my reputation as a neutral, apolitical journalist. I never…

The secret documents RPK posted

By uppercaise "And, more importantly, it appears like the current Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak, is giving his tacit approval for Tajudin Ramli, Rahman Maidin and Halim Saad to sing like a canary…

In defence of Nurul Izzah

By John Malott “She may well turn out to be the fresh young voice of conscience and courage… at a time when Malaysia needs a gentle, clear voice.Without question, racial tensions in Malaysia are…

Musa Hassan shut up and vamoose!

MUSA HASSAN SHOULD JUST SHUT UP AND GO by Din Merican Last Sunday I wrote about Musa Hassan’s revolting interview with Mingguan Malaysia. Since then, several other news reports have surfaced where…

Social contract

By Nurul Izzah, The Malaysian Insider SEPT 8 — I refer to the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s reminder to all Malaysians not to question "provisions in the constitution, particularly those…

Are We Ready to Face the Brave New World?

We have a funny social system whereby about half the country is left to fend for itself while the country tries to depend on bringing up the other half to run the country by themselves. This means…

Prof Khoo performs constitutional magic

By uppercaiseWhere did Prof Khoo Kay Kim and Bernama suddenly acquire new powers to expand the Constitution and conjure up new constitutional requirements? It's quite amazing. Suddenly the whole of…