Berbicara tentang Reformasi PKR…

Ngeow Chow Bing, Merdeka Review PKR dan Barisan Nasional telah mengadakan kongres/konvensyen-nya baru-baru ini.  Tidak kurang juga peristiwa yang menimpa PKR kebelakangan ini.  Sesungguhnya PKR…

ANWAR IBRAHIM…what else?

So my friends read what you want. Listen to all that is being said. In the quiet of the evening do as I do….sit and think. If you have good friends sit with them in quiet contemplation.Take yourself…

Kicap tak serupa punya

This is what your response seems to imply. You are saying because Bala did not produce any of his SDs for the purpose of court proceedings, he cannot be charged for an offence under


Dear Abdul Rahman Bachok, I am referring to the visit Manjeet Singh Dhillon, Amarjit Singh Sidhu and myself made to your offices in late July this year when we handed to you the questions and…

Utusan insists not racist or lying

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider Utusan Malaysia was forced to defend itself today, saying that it was not racist and did not write false news reports, a day after Penang Chief Minister…

Miros to probe deadliest bus crash

By Bernama The Malaysian Research Institute on Road Safety (Miros) has been given the responsibility to identify the cause of the accident at KM15 Cameron Highlands-Simpang Pulai Road today, which…

Enforce rules on roadworks

By R. Nadeswaran, The Sun THERE was a time when utility facilities and public roads were owned by the government. The Waterworks Department, the Telecommunications Department and the National…

Fierce battle expected at Tenang

By Lim Mun Fah, MySinChew With the recent death of Tenang state assembly member Datuk Sulaiman Taha, the stage is set for the country’s 14th by-election since the March 2008 general election, and…

Zaid vows Kita’s big presence in next GE

By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has confidently warned his political foes that his Kesejahteraan Insan Tanah Air (Kita) party would have a “big presence” in the next general…

What is Khazanah’s end game?

What's the end game being played by Khazanah? It's instructed to sell shares in the companies that it invested. Reason being- to flush the market with liquidity. But have we thought about the…


Sarawak Report has been subjected to a cyber-attack, which has knocked it temporarily off-line.  This follows a number of death threats sent through our mail, which have been

Pakatan Rakyat ready to rule?

A REPUBLIC OF VIRTUEAzly Rahman“Just do it.” - Nike slogan.As a disinterested and apolitical analyst of Malaysian politics I believe that for the good of all Malaysians, democracy needs renewal,…

Malaysian Students Want Voices Heard

While the government and judiciary have resisted previous calls for changes to the 1971 Universities and University Colleges Act, the students, who have vowed to take their fight to the country’s…

Bloggers Wanted

As part of BN Machinery to counter oppostion and pro opposition bloggers. UMNO and PBB has set up a RM10 million Cyber War Fund.